Chainsmoker and harcore alcoholic

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A/N: sorry I might've had a little writing block but here's the chapter : )
TW: smoking, alcohol, also not proofread

After the guys were done recording Sweet Child O' Mine, which turned out pretty cool, they listened to all the recordings to make sure everything was perfect Steven eventually found out about his girlfriend's role in Rocket Queen. He was extremely pissed and didn't showed up to a few rehearsals and according to Duff and Slash he ignored Axl for five days but then he probably realized that it made no sense being pissed at the whole situation and started talking to Axl again.

The release of the album didn't went as well as we all expected, it only received a little attention. But still the guys got to go on tour with Aerosmith. The tour was supposed to start in August and even though they had toured before they were pretty hyped, after all Aerosmith was pretty successful. Even though Geffen offered to get the guys professional stylists the rejected the offer and only asked for two other stylists so each stylist could focus on one member.

So Geffen hired two other girls. Rachel, long black hair, very pretty but way too overconfident and Heather, also very pretty, middle length, brown hair and a tiny bit chubby but extremely cute.
Actually I didn't like Rachel, she was a typical groupie and very unsympathetic, she had great looks but she knew it and took any chance she could get to tell someone. Heather was really sympathetic, she's a bit like Amanda .

In the end it was Maria and Izzy, Heather and Steven, me and Duff, Amanda and Slash and Rachel and Axl. The last one was Steven's idea since it was clear that he and Axl couldn't stand Rachel, I didn't knew about the others, anyways Steven was still pissed at Axl and since we all could understand Steven's point pretty well we voted and that's how Axl ended up with Rachel. Rachel wouldn't complain and even tried to flirt with him.

The first few concerts went pretty well. We traveled around in one of those really big tour busses with bunk beds and all that stuff. We slept in the bus most of the time but sometimes we also stayed in hotels. And this was pure hell.

After checking in in a hotel in Toronto,this was the first hotel we actually stayed in, we girls went to the rooms that were reserved for us. According to the information we received it were only rooms with two beds which meant that someone really wanted to save money and that someone got to sleep on the floor or in the bathtub.

„So how are we suppose to do this?" Maria asked. „Maria, can I stay with you?" Amanda asked. „Sure." the girl replied. „Could I stay with you too?" Heather asked awkwardly while looking to the red carpet on the floor. I sighed knowing that what that meant for me. „Okay then we'll take the other room." Rachel smiled and grabbed her suitcase. I rolled my eyes and followed her. „I feel bad for ya." Maria whispered as I walked by and Heather looked at me with a look that basically screamed ,I'm sorry'. „It's fine, how bad can it possibly be?" I smiled.

As I entered the room Rachel had already placed her stuff on the bed next to the window. I sighed and placed my suitcase on the floor in front of my bed. „Hey could you place it at the other side I don't wanna stumble over that thing when I go to the bathroom." she complained. I sighed again and moved my suitcase to the other side. I sat down and grabbed into the pocket of my leather jacket, grabbed a cigarette and lit it. „Could you not smoke in here? I don't want to smell like cigarettes all the time." Rachel snapped.

„Okay calm down would ya? You also smoke which means you smell like cigarettes all the time after all. Also the window is open so the smell won't even stay for long." I hissed. „Yeah but still just get out if you need to smoke." she bleated. „See, we could have a good time here if we just stay out of each other's business so why don't you just shut up as long as you don't have something relevant to say?" I said.

„Shut up!" she hissed. „How about I don't. Let me guess you also want no coke in this room?" I provoked her. She stood up grabbed my wrist, pulled me out of the room and locked the door. „Hey, bitch. Let me back in. What do you think you're doing?" I yelled but Rachel didn't open the door and the middle aged lady that was serving the food just looked at me like I was some alien.

I decided to go to the lobby. I pressed the elevator button and waited. The door opened and I got in. Our hotel rooms were on the third floor and when I reached the second floor the door opened again and Duff entered the elevator. I smiled at him „Did you also got kicked out of your room?" „Nah, I wanted to go buy some cigarettes and Vodka. Why did you get kicked out?" he asked. „I wanted to smoke and Rachel couldn't handle that. Then I provoked her a tiny bit and here I am."

„Damn, you're in a room with her?" „Yeah sadly, I would've rather slept on the hallway than in a room with her but if I do that I'll probably get kicked out." we arrived at the lobby and went outside. „Do you know where to go?" I asked. „Yeah, I saw a store down street when we arrived." he replied.

„Good I think I also need new cigarettes, while I'm gone that bitch is probably flushing down my other cigarettes down the toilet." I predicted. „Nah I don't think she'd do that." Duff said. „She would. You didn't hear what stupid stuff she said trying to stop me from smoking in the room." I mumbled.

„Yeah anyways" Duff said we arrived at the store. I bought three packs of cigarettes, left the store and waited outside for Duff. A minute later he walked out the store. „Hey could you help me with that?" he asked struggling to carry the five bottles of Vodka and four packs of cigarettes. „Damn dude." I sighed and took the cigarettes.

Walking into the hotel lobby again we got stared at lot. „Great now everyone thinks we're chainsmoker and hardcore alcoholic." I chuckled and struggled to press the elevator button. „Well I don't know bout you but in my case that might be true." he grinned and I rolled my eyes. We exited at the second floor to take the stuff to Duff's room. „Who are you sharing your room with, by the way?" I asked. „Izzy" he answered and opened the door.

We entered the room and froze immediately. Izzy and Maria were sitting on the bed and just kissed passionately. Duff dropped a bottle and both of them turned around to us. I threw the cigarettes on the bed and yelled „Fuck I lost the bet, right?" Duff placed the other four bottles on his nightstand, and walked over to where I was already picking up the shards of the bottle then he answered „I don't think so, if I'm not completely dumb today's like exactly the middle between one and two months which means we both kinda lost and won." „Okay then I'm not complaining" I laughed.

Izzy and Maria just stared at us like we were some maniacs.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now