Visiting the fish

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A/N: new chapter I hope you enjoy it actually I had no idea what to write about but here you go, please leave some feedback

TW: mention of alcohol

„Well actually I thought about a beach trip." Steven smiled and looked around „I mean if you don't want to that's also fine" „No, that's a great idea, Steven." Slash said. „I can agree with that, I love the beach", Maria shouted out loud.  „Okay then... I suspect you girls aren't carrying a bikini with you every time you leave the house?" Axl asked. „Yeah you might be correct about that one. I don't even have a bikini." I laughed awkwardly.

„You for real?" Maria looked at me as if this was the deadliest sin on earth „you moved to California without bringing a bikini?" „Yeah, what about it. I've been perfectly fine without it until now." I pouted a bit. „I can give you one of mine, I actually happen to have a lot of those and I doubt that one of Maria's will fit you" Amanda looked at me. „You're probably right about that" I murmured.

Maria had a very curvy figure, she had big boobs and some big booty, no doubt she was pretty but I was rather small. I sure had some curves but my body was more like Amandas even though she was a bit smaller than me.

„Ok, what about you girls go and get your stuff and we'll pick you up afterwards?" Duff suggested. „Sounds good to me, let's go Danielle." Amanda grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the direction of the door. „Whoa, no need to hurry" I laughed.

Luckily Amandas apartment was only a few minutes away from Guns N'Roses' apartment. When we arrived Amanda went straight to her bedroom opening a door and pulling out a box. She handed me a red bikini with black stripes. „This one's a bit to big for me, it should fit you, you can keep it." she smiled. „What? Really? Thank you. This is the first bikini I've had in years." „You for real? How long haven't you been swimming?" she laughed slightly. „To be honest, since I was eight or so" I admitted.

She placed the box back in her closet „whoa that's a long time, you're eighteen, right?" „Yeah" I answered. „Oh I think you should try it on." she said „the bathroom's right there" she showed me a door on the left next to the bedroom.

The bikini really fitted. It was a strange feeling, knowing that she would be in front of everyone in nothing more than underwear like clothing. I took a deep breath and looked at my wrists. Some of the cuts were faded but three of them were still red and a bit crusty. I reached into the bag, pulling out some waterproof concealer. After I covered everything up as good as I could I dressed completely again and opened the door. „It fits very well, thanks Amanda" I smiled.

Around five minutes later, the guys and Maria arrived at Amandas apartment. Unlike me, they had a car even though it's condition scared me almost more than the fact that Axl was driving. On the passenger seat there was Izzy with Maria sitting on his lap, behind him there was Duff, next to him was Steven and behind Axl there was Slash.

„Well lady's, we're sorry about that but we don't have enough seats. But you can choose on which's lap you wanna sit. Please only choose from the back row since I wouldn't recommend sitting on my lap since I'm driving and Izzy propably would complain. The choice is yours." Axl opened the window and pulled down his sun glasses a bit.

„Okay I'll take Duff then." I walked around the car and opened the door. „I'm really sorry about that, I told them we would need a bigger car" Duff whispered as I sat down, Amanda had taken place on Slash's lap by now. „Nah it's fine. I've  survived worse, besides you're really comfortable" I chuckled a bit trying to make the situation less awkward.

The drive was a bit longer than expected but it was kinda fun. Axl was a pro in road raging but sadly not that good in driving, which caused him to crash the car almost five times and then blame it on the other drivers or on Izzy when he tried to give advise. The whole trip no one, not even Steve, talked actively and so the most used word during the ride was probably ,motherfucker'.

After almost crashing the car while trying to park it we finally arrived. It's been eternity since I've last been at a beach so I was maximum excited. „I hoped I wasn't too heavy." I said while helping Duff to get some bags out of the car. „Nah, everything's fine. Wait I'll help you with this bag, it's Slash's and I think he has the whole alcohol section of a supermarket in there" he grabbed the bag I was just about to lift out of the car.

It was very warm that day even though it was September. „Okay I think we should get changed" Maria shouted. „Damn, no need to yell around like that, some day I'll really become deaf" Amanda mumbled and I laughed.

After changing I checked myself in the mirror, my blonde hair really had grown it was reaching almost to my belly button. To be honest that bikini really complimented my body, there weren't that many clothes that I would say that they really compliment my body but this really did.

Maria came out of her cabin, she wore a hot pink bikini which suited her very well. „Damn girl, you look hot." I greeted her. „Thanks you too, it's rare seeing you in this kind of outfit isn't it?" she asked. „Yeah maybe that's because I haven't been swimming with you once" I laughed. Amanda exited her cabin covering herself with a towel.

As much as I could see, her bikini was some sort of light blue. It was plain but it really suited her. Amanda was a plain person but she had an amazing body. Curvy but not too much and just the best size for boob and booty. „Amanda you look amazing, girl. Come on let's go." I shouted in excitement and grabbed Maria's and Amanda's wrists, dragging them to the spot Izzy, Duff and Slash, who had already changed, were lying down some towels.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now