Welcome to my apartment, we got sweatpants and strained mascara

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A/N: I'm currently not having that much time to write because I have to study a lot but I'll still try to update at least once a week, thanks if you read this shit and please leave some feedback
TW: alcohol ig
It's been a few week since the incident at the beach and things got back to normal again. The boys played a few gigs in other bars and Amanda and I didn't even get to see them. Maria only did because she went on a date with Izzy. I actually was quite happy for her because she actually found someone even I could imagine being her boyfriend. Sure, they were complete opposites but maybe it was just that.

On a Wednesday evening in October, I had just turned 19, Maria knocked at my apartment door. As I opened she stumbled in and I could immediately smell alcohol, it sent shivers down my spine even though I'm in contact with alcohol almost everyday. „Oh my god, what happened" I yelped noticing her mascara was completely strained and her hair was messy.

„I'm so confused, Danielle."she cried and threw herself into my arms. „Shh, calm down. Listen to me: you just sit down on the couch, I'll get us something to drink and then you'll tell me everything, okay?" She nodded and I went to the kitchen, grabbing two glasses and a bottle of water, as well as a packet of tissues.

I sat down next to her, filled the glasses and handed her one. „Thanks, Danielle", she smiled, completely drunk but I could see that she was serious. „No worry's. Take your time to calm down a bit and then tell me." I sipped from my glass and handed her one of the tissues which she thankfully accepted.

„Well, it's just that I'm super confused about the whole situation with Izzy. He seems to be serious with my which just kind of surprises me. You know me Danielle, I've never been in a serious relationship and I just don't know how to handle it. He's just giving me so much love and attention and after all those failed relationships... you know? It just feels surreal." she had started to cry even harder.

„Holy crap dude. You know I've never been in a relationship before and the only thing I can really say now is that you really should appreciate it. Because from what I'm seeing it really seems like he loves you and I don't think he'll be an asshole like those other bastards. For me, I can say that you two really should give it a shot, you're not gonna know it if you haven't tried, right? Plus, I'm 100 percent sure he won't reject or play with you. And now drink your water you need to get sober again." I refilled her glass and went to the bathroom to get some wet towels to help her get rid of her completely mascara strained face.

When I got back she already fell asleep on the couch. I sighed and started to softly wipe the mascara off her face. I really wished the best for her.

I just placed a blanket over Maria as the doorbell rang. „Fuck" I hissed but Maria didn't wake up. I ran to the door and opened only to see whole Guns N'Roses in front of my door. „I don't care what it is just keep it quiet" I whispered. „Can we come in?" Slash asked.

I let them in but only after telling them to keep quiet. I guided them to the living room and went to the kitchen to get anther five glasses and a bottle. When I came back Steven, Duff and Slash had taken place on the red carpet on the floor, while Axl just sat down on the chair and Izzy was sitting on the couch next to Maria's head. I placed the glasses on the table „She had a tough day that's all" I whispered and the guys nodded.

„So... Why are you here at this time?" I asked. „Well we actually thought about hiring two other stylists so each of us has one, not now since we don't have the budget to do that but once we have more money" Axl said. „Okay nice but why are you telling me this at 3 fucking am?" I whispered.

Izzy sighed and then explained: „Actually, we went here by car to get to a gig near here but some idiot cut two of our wheels so we can't go back. Now we got the idea to ask you if we could stay here overnight, also this idiot" he pointed at Axl „didn't have the balls to ask you and that's why he came up with that." „Hey, who are you calling an Idiot, Stradlin?" Axl yelled. „Shut the fuck up" I hissed at him while pointing at Maria who was still asleep.

„So do we have your permission to stay here overnight?" Duff whispered. „Yeah of course, but the last one that yells gets to sleep on the street." „Thanks, Danielle" Steven said and the others also mumbled something or nodded.
„I don't even know if I have that much mattresses, I think I have two, which includes the one I'm sleeping on. Axl can sleep on that chair, Izzy I can pull out the couch for you and Maria and the rest of us needs to share the mattresses." I said and gave Izzy a sign to help me with the couch, which was quite hard to pull it out without awakening Maria. Then I went to my bedroom to get some blankets for us.

„Slash, Duff, Steven could you help me with the mattresses. I thought about laying them next to each other on the floor so they're like one big mattress." I whispered to them and they nodded and followed me.
„Steven, Slash. The other mattress is under the bed" I groaned while carrying the mattress from my bed into the living room. Axl was seemingly happy with his ,bed'. I've always admired people with the ability to sleep while sitting.

Duff and I placed the mattress on the floor and Slash and Steven did the same with their. „So anyone want some shirts or sweatpants for sleeping?" „I think we all need some sweatpants if you have our size and personally would like a shirt since I'm freezing a bit" Axl replied, he was the only one who came without shirt, he probably lost it to some groupies.

„Well then, I have a lot of sweatpants. Mostly from my brother, please don't ask why, but I also have bought one recently that turned out to big, I think they should fit you Axl." I laughed a bit. „I'll help you." Duff said and followed me.

„So here's some shirt for Axl. And those are the sweatpants. Okay I think this one should even fit you." I pulled some clothes out of my closet. „Damn how tall was your brother?", Duff laughed. „Idk, tall" I chuckled. He helped my pick up the clothes and we went back.

Actually everything fitted, besides the sweatpants for Axl which where a bit too small and the pair for Steven which was too big.

„Okay how do we do that?" Slash asked looking at the two mattresses at the floor. „Oh, I want to sleep in the middle." Steven said. „I would like to sleep in the middle too" I admitted. „Well, then" Slash whispered and laid down at the left side and Steven quickly joined him by laying next to him. I laid down next to Steven and Duff next to me. It was barely enough space to turn around but it was at least warm.

„Good night then." I said and turned off the small lamp that was standing on the table next to the couch. „Good night, and thanks agin for letting us stay here." Duff whispered and after a few minutes I already fell asleep.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now