Can't really think of a name

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A/N: kinda frustrated that there aren't more people reading this but I'll try to keep going

TW: none

I woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs and something else I couldn't identify. Opening my eyes I saw that everyone was still laying in the same places they had been with exception of Maria and Izzy who just were gone.

Axl was only hanging half in his chair and Slash had probably been kicked out of the bed by Steven since he was sleeping in the floor. Steven was laying there like a starfish with his left arm and leg over me and without a blanket since Slash took it with him. Duff was still lying next to me pretty normal and I sat up and took Steven's Arm and Leg off me.

I first got up to wake up Axl since I read somewhere that sleeping upside down isn't that great for your health. I first tried to shake him but he just kicked me so I gave up and decided to wake up Duff hoping that he would have some useful advice.

„Hey, Duff. Wake up I need some help saving your damn carrothead." Duff opened his eyes and at the same time Axl yelled over: „Fuck you! It's strawberry blonde, why does no one get that?" „Okay nvm that ginger's awake."

„I see you're awake." Izzy had entered the living room and Maria came right after him. „Well actually no. Steven and Slash are still asleep." I said and poked Steven in his cheek. „They'll wake up. Now get up we made breakfast." Maria said „Uh Danielle can we have a talk for a second?"

She took my aside while the others went into the kitchen. „Damn, Danielle there was no need to invite them over." she hissed at me. „I know, normally I wouldn't have done this but their car was broken or something like that and it was like 3 am." I replied. „Oh, it was like that? Izzy didn't told me about it." she murmured. „Yeah anyways, you're welcome." I smiled and also went into the kitchen.

A few minutes after we started with breakfast, which was complicated since I only had a small table for two people in my kitchen,Steven and Slash joined us. After the guys ate they helped me to clean up everything and then left to get their car repaired.

In the next few months Guns N'Roses had a lot of gigs in many clubs and bars in the area, they became really popular and some day in march they got to sign a contract with Geffen Records, which was amazing. We all were extremely excited. Soon after that they started to record their debut album, I think it was kinda stressful for all of them but they did a great job so far. Maria, Amanda and I were often hanging out with the band during the recording sessions.

„Damn, Maria hurry up we're gonna be late if you keep walking in those fucking high heels.", I yelled over to her walking to the studio with Amanda next to me. „Fuck off, don't act like you don't wear them too." she grumbled and we waited in front of the door for her to finally arrive. Opening the door I said „Yeah, but as you see I'm a lot faster walking in them than you. Hey, sorry we're late again right?" Slash looked up from his guitar „No don't worry, we can't start because Axl's late too."

„Okay then, I told you Danielle" Maria giggled and walked over to Izzy who was half asleep on a couch. „Actually you didn't, you told me to fuck off." I argued and Steven chuckled a bit. „Steven, shut up. By the way, where's your girlfriend?" Izzy asked. „I told you, she's not really my girlfriend. Also what's more important: Where's Axl?" Steven shot back.

After a half hour Axl still didn't show up and we decided to leave the studio to grab some food. Well, everyone besides Slash who wanted to listen to the recordings and to keep working on a song.

„Okay where do we go now?" Amanda asked as we walked down the street. „Oh can we go grab some ice cream?" Steven excitedly said. „I mean I'm not really hungry after all so it's up to you." I replied. „Same for me." Duff agreed. „Okay ice cream it is." Slash said and walked down the street. There actually was no place where you could buy fresh ice cream near here so they went into the next supermarket. Duff and I waited outside the store because we both saw no need to follow them.

I just stood there awkwardly and looked around until I spotted a record store a bit down the street. „Hey Duff, let's go there" I suggested and pointed in the direction of the store. „Yeah, sure but shouldn't we wait for the others first?" he asked quite uncertain.

„Nah they'll be fine, besides Amanda and Maria will now where I am when the see the store." I grinned „c'mon, please. It's not like I have money with me after all. I just wanna take a look." „Okay then let's go, I guess." he smiled. „Yes! Thanks Duff." I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him down the street.

The store actually wasn't that big but that didn't really matter. „So what are you looking for?" Duff asked as I began to search through the vinyls. „Idk, I'll just look around a bit until I find something I like, then I'll hate myself for bringing no money and then I'll keep searching and leave after some time." I laughed a bit „I actually have a few records at home. For example a few albums of KISS, Pyromania by Def Leppard, Stay Hungry and Come Out And Play by Twisted Sisters and I even have some Motley Crue. I don't have an album from them but I also really like the New York Dolls''

Duff nodded and we silently kept looking for a few minutes until we decided to leave. „What kind of music do you listen to?" I asked as we exited the store and walked towards the others that really had been waiting for us. „Well, mainly Punk I think, since you listen to New York Dolls you should know Johnny Thunders", he answered and I nodded.

„Do you think Axl has arrived by now?" Amanda asked as we rejoined them. „I don't know. I could just go and see if he has" I offered. „Okay, I'll join you then. You can just wait here and eat you ice cram or do whatever you want." Duff said. „Well then. Have fun I guess." I said and Duff and I walked back to the studio.

And if I stare too long I'd probably break down and cry / Duff McKagan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now