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They sit down and talk for a little, reminiscing on old times, their old lives, before everything went to hell.

They're in the middle of discussing a field trip one time in middle school, when someone walks up to Engel.

"Engel, Miss Sasha is looking for you in the second grade hallway." He nods, standing up. He preforms a quick check of his equipment.

Pepper spray? Got that.
Bandages? Yup.
Walkie talkie? Uh-huh.
Helmet? On his head.

He waves goodbye to Petunia, as he steps out the door.

He cautiously roams through the hallways, checking in with Cubbie every now and then to make sure his coast is clear.

Eventually, he makes his way to the hallway. He searches around the doors. No markings so far. He moves to the second to last door from the hall, and he sees on the wall...

 He moves to the second to last door from the hall, and he sees on the wall

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Engel sighs, as he moves closer towards the door.





He can hear the unlocking of a bolt on the inside, as the door peeks open. An eye looks at him from inside, and it opens up. It's Miss Sasha.

Miss Sasha has always had a soft spot for the students here. When the uprising began, she couldn't bear to fight what she saw as her own children, so she instead opted to side with them in the form of a spy.

She actively informs the students the teachers next move, telling them their plans, and what they're up to next.

She ushers him inside quick, before locking the door behind her. The room is a mess. Children's books litter the floor, old chalk doodles cover the board, and the overhead lights flicker ominously. She sighs as she sinks into her chair.

"Okay, listen to me, Engel. They're going to strike the cafeteria next. They're planning on taking the left hallway, and make a beeline for the kitchen, they're aiming to cripple your food supply, so try and intimidate them off. If they decide to attack, you won't stand a chance."

Engel nods. They sit there in silence for a bit, reflecting on their current situation. Engel speaks up again.

"So, how you holding up?"

She looks back at the boy. "Oh, I'm just... peachy." She sighs. "I don't know how much longer I can do this. I want to go home." He looks down. He doesn't know what to say.

"Hey, we'll make it through this. Don't worry, okay?"

She nods. "Okay. You gotta go, we can't stay here for long. Be sure to erase those symbols outside."

Engel waves goodbye, and walks back out the door. He takes one last look at Miss Sasha.

"Stay safe for me, okay?" She asks him.

"I will."

He closes the door. He takes an eraser to the wall beside him, getting rid of the symbols on the wall. If they crack these, their whole operation could be at risk.

Engel finally returns to the pool. He breathes a sigh of relief as he moves back inside the safe haven.

He waddles over to Ruby's office, he relays back what Miss Sasha said to her, and she tell him she'll organize a group to go fortify the cafeteria.

Engel goes back to the bench he was sitting on, and takes a nap.

Not much later, Petunia sits back down by him. She asks him how it went, and he says it went good.

A little bit later, he hears a whistle ring out.

"We just got confirmed reports of teachers at the cafeteria! Get your weapons!" A voice echoes out.

A slight panic erupts in the crowd as everyone funnels out the door. Petunia looks at Engel, as he grabs his new helmet and first aid kit. They quickly catch up to the crowd, and run through the twisting and winding hallways.

Eventually, they arrive at the cafeteria. A swarm of students is blocking the left hallway connecting to it. Engel pushes past all of them, and looks at what's in the front.

The students have spears set up, crouched behind lunch table barriers, kids with bows and arrows stand behind them, their strings pulled back, ready to fire at a moments notice.

Standing there, are two towering monsters. One of them is wearing a white dress, with incredibly sharp claws, she stares back at the crowd with eager anticipation, ready to strike at any moment.

The next one is standing in front of her. She's a little shorter, with darker skin. Horns protrude from the top of her head. She's wearing a black skirt, complete with a white top. She's carrying what looks like a buzzsaw on her hip.

There's tons of shouting, they can't hear anything anyone is saying. Engel can make out some snippets of negotiation, the teachers ask for some food in exchange for some clean clothes and access to the library, but ultimately it goes nowhere.

The teachers retreat after a bit, and the students let out a sigh of relief. That is, until Cubbie speaks over the radio again.

"I'm looking at faculty in the kitchen! How the hell did they get through?!"

Shit. Petunia sprints past the crowd of people, and slides into the kitchen. It's empty. A vent cover is taken off the ceiling, a spiky leg pulls itself through it. and the entire kitchen is practically empty. Only a few pieces of food, like apples, lettuce, oranges, and bananas remain. She swears as she runs to pick up whatever is left.

A horde of other kids run inside, and upon seeing the situation, they start taking anything they can for themselves. Engel tries to convince them to ration what little there is left, but it's no use.

After a few seconds, the kitchen is picked clean. Realizing how badly they got played, everyone heads back to the pool, considering themselves defeated.

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