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She wanders the desolate halls, anxiety creeping down her neck. She anxiously looks behind her every twenty seconds or so making sure nobody's following her. She can hardly remember the way to the library.

How did she forget? She used to take her class there all the time. She wonders where her children are. Best case scenario they're at the pool with the rest of the kids. Worst case... she shudders. She doesn't want to think about that.

She walks past another classroom with a broken down door, she can see a body inside of it. She doesn't want to investigate any further.

After getting lost in the dark, desolate hallways for a bit, she finally comes across a certain water fountain.

Parched, she reaches for the button on its side. She expects a flow of cold water, but is met with nothing. Disappointed, she continues wandering the empty halls.

Eventually, the teacher comes across a shattered vending machine. She recognizes this almost as a form of landmark, and remembers everything now.

The library is down the left hall, where you take two rights and then another left.

She has no idea how she remembers all of that, but she breathes a sigh of relief. She's almost there.

She continues her way down the labyrinth, when she comes across an arched doorway. Thats it. The library. The students must be held up here.

She prays they're still there. Not because they'll provide a benefit to the resistance, but if they're not, she'll be met with nothing but mutilated husks of people she once considered her children.

She peeks her head around the corner, and...


An exploding twinge of pain materializes itself in the side of her head. She collapses onto the floor, as she see's a shadowed figure crawl into her field of view, the face blocking out the flickering lights above them.


Another attack from this person, her face feels like it's about to cave in on itself, they're attacking with such force that Sasha is losing her vision now. A voice emerges from the side.

"Riley, stop!"

The attacks come to an end. The shadow climbs off of her, as someone comes running over.

Her vision returns, as she looks around. She sees Riley standing over her, huffing madly, clutching a tennis racket and some sort of wooden shield. She also sees Bubble, one of her favorite students here, crouched down by her.

"Jesus, Riley! Watch where you swing that thing!" She shouts, scolding her.

The girl looks down at Miss Sasha, who's now bleeding a little bit. She apologizes a million times, as she grabs a tissue from her pocket. She wipes the blood off of her face, apologizing again and again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! We've been on edge ever since they started killing." She grabs Sasha's arm, and lifts her up.

The teacher rubs her head a little bit as she looks around. The library, a place she loved with all her heart, is in disrepair. Entire bookshelves are collapsed, forming barriers for the student remnants here. Books scattered across the floor have their pages ripped out. She sees a particularly favored book of hers, The Giver, in terrible shape. She sighs.

She looks at Bubble, who's taking her by the arm away from the entrance.

"Okay, hey, Bubble. I can't stay here for long. I need to know how many people are in here."

"Oh! Um, we have four people here. Me, Riley, Kevin, and Lizzy. Why?" She tilts her head a little bit.

"The rest of the kids are gonna get you out of here, and to a safer spot. They're all at the pool right now, so if you guys stay put, we can get you out of here safely in a while."

Bubble nods, as she runs back upstairs to tell the others. After a little bit of muffled conversation with someone upstairs, she peers over the railing.

"Okay! Well hold out for as long as we can. You gotta go! You can't stay here."

She nods, and runs back out the door. After a little bit of walking, she sits herself against a wall. Putting her face into her hands, she takes a small break. She pulls out her radio, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Cubbie, are you there?" She asks, awaiting a response.

"Yep, I'm here, what's up, Sasha?"

"Okay, good, we have four students in the library, ready for extraction. Get word out to Ruby, and organize a plan."

"Will do! Thanks for helping." A beep is heard, and she's alone in silence again.

She hears that click again, that same one she heard in the room with Engel, but she shrugs it off. She rubs her aching head, before getting up and walking back to the office.

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