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Petunia jolts as she hears the announcement system activate. Skell's voice carries itself through the halls, as he slowly opens the door to the closet she hid herself in.

She peeks out into the office, it's empty. She creeps through the blood ridden halls, as she searches for anything of use. Her eyes turn towards a knife lying lodged into the wall, with a blood stain accompanying it, oddly enough there's no body. She takes the knife out of the wall, its edge serrated and chipped. She holds it close to her chest.

She recalls the locations of the exits around the school. There's an exit right next to the office, but she's lost in the twisting, winding hallways of the office. She navigates around for what seems like ages, losing her sense of direction.

Students aren't normally allowed back here, unless it's to help a teacher with some favors. As a result of her never coming back here, she has zero clue where she is.

She hesitates before turning any corner, worrying she'll see a dead person. She doesn't think she can handle that right now.

Finally, she reaches an exit into the hallway. The heavy-duty door is torn off of its hinges, how did that happen?

There's no time to question it, she heads for the exit, and enters the halls.

Light pours in from the outside. She can see the sun beaming through the windows. She's almost there.

She continues making her way to the main exit, stumbling across a carcass every now and then. She makes sure to stop and close the eyes of every person she sees, hoping they can rest easy.

After a while of walking, she turns the corner to the exit, but stops.

Dozens of bodies are strewn about the area, sliced up and bleeding absolutely everywhere. The smell of death and guts is overwhelming. Looking around, she can see the bodies of multiple people she knows.

She sees Bubble slumped against a wall, her head reduced to a puddle of soap. She shudders. She never knew Bubble that well, but she was nice to her. Kevin's glasses lay shattered on the floor, but she can't see him. Maybe he got away, maybe he didn't. She can even see Claire's body still there, sliced in two. The smell is pungent, even from over here. She keels over and vomits.

She nervously steps forward, moving her feet carefully to not slip on the gallons of blood slipped, or trip on the dozens of bodies littering the area. Suddenly, one of the corpses grabs her ankle. She screams as she brings her foot back up, away from it.

The person is missing their legs, and half of their arm. They say only a few words to her.

"Leave... she... here..."

She doesn't understand the dying boy.

Suddenly, a creaking sound is heard from the door to the left of her. She snaps around, expecting the worst.

Someone, no. something stands in the doorway, impossibly tall, shrouded in darkness. She can't get a good look at it. She squints her eyes.

She readies her knife, but just a moment too late. Suddenly, the creature lurches forward. It materializes right in front of Petunia, knocking her back impossibly far from the exit. Her catcher's armor take the brunt of the damage, but her ribs crack as the hand collides with her chest, sending her spiraling down the hallway. The back of her head collides with a pillar in the middle of a set of two doors, as she looks back up.

A large, imposing figure stands in the middle of the hallway, kneeled over one of the bodies. It takes a fist and plunges it into an open wound of a corpse, as it brings it to its mouth. A disgusting squelch is heard as it chomps down on an intestine it pulls from someone's stomach.

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