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Miss Bloomie runs to the office, fumbling a bit of the food she's carrying all over the halls. Thavel's and Emily's distraction was a glorious success, Miss Grace should be satisfied with this. After a bit, she returns to the front office, where the majority of the teachers are held up.
She holds her keycard up to the scanner, and with a beep, the door unlocks. She slips inside the office, locking the door behind her.

She moves through the bustling center, as she makes her way to the principal's office. She's already taking to someone. The person in there is pretty short, it looks like Miss Sasha, but she can't tell. She signals her to wait outside. After around five minutes, Sasha comes walking out. She walks in, and places the plastic bags on the table.

"Here's what we managed to snatch from the cafeteria, Miss Grace."

She looks down at the plastic bags lying on the table, opening one slightly. It's packed to the brim with fruit, vegetables, and other goods. She looks back up at Bloomie.

"Excellent. Without the access to food, they'll quickly starve. Now it's only a matter of time. We should focus on fortifying our position incase those brats try an assault to regain their precious snacks."

Bloomie nods, and heads over to Emily's office. She knocks on the door, and the woman peeks through her door.

"What's up?" Emily opens her door more, and ushers her inside. They both sit down.

"Alright, Miss Grace wants us to fortify our position here, but we lack any sort of defensive recourses. She said I should talk to you about that."

She nods, and spins in her chair. She looks back up at a map of the school taped to the wall. Various colors are filling in certain rooms, the pool and cafeteria covered in purple.

"Hm, okay. We have keycard readers on all entrances of the office, so that's a start, not to mention we have some pretty damn durable plexiglass making up the windows, I'm thinking we hit up the supply closet, and cover all the windows with construction paper. While we're at it, we should cover up any security cameras we see in here, just in case those crafty bastards get a hold of them."

They continue discussing their plans for a while, also mentioning that if they get their hands on any sort of wood, they should board up the windows with that.

They begin fortifying their position. Windows are shut and barricaded, cameras are covered, and wood is hoarded.

Back at the pool, things are growing desperate.

Students are hungry, thirsty, tired, and their morale is plummeting at rapid speeds.

Talks of home are now spoken by few, as most have accepted they most likely won't be leaving this place. In one piece, at least.

Skell sits down at the diving board, watching people talk amongst eachother. He sees someone pull an apple core out of her pocket, and begin to eat it.

Ever since Abbie died, it became a trend to keep an apple core on you for protection, and to carry on the boy's legacy. Now, it's been watered down to something to cling onto life for just a little longer. Not that much people here want to live much longer, anyways.

From what he's heard, Engel has had to talk at least three people out of suicide so far. He failed one. He has no idea how he's kept his sanity, especially since Claire, his girlfriend, was killed by Alice, who escaped into the outside. Oh, how he envies that monster. Being free out there, running through green fields under the warm sun, unaware of the carnage taking place here.

Skell's train of thought is interrupted by Robby.

"Hey, man. You good?" He looks at him, sitting down.

"No, not really. Things are getting bad here." He mutters.

"We're doing what we can. We're trying to preserve as much of ourselves as possible." Robby replies, looking out to the crowds. More silence from the emo.

"Dude, what's wrong? You haven't said a word ever since the first day unless someone else talks to you first. What's bothering you?"

Skell scoffs. He looks at Robby.

"Did you need to kill them?"

Robby looks at the guy, who has a look of despair twisted across his face.


"You know, the two."

He groans. He's told this to everyone multiple times before.

"For the last time, Skell. Oliver and Zip were a threat to us. They're collaborators with the teachers, they literally got Claire killed! Edward was guilty by association, so we had to exile him! We had to!"

"It was Oliver's idea! Maybe he had it coming, but Zip and Edward didn't do anything! You executed her to make an example, not to protect us!"

Their argument is cut short by another argument from across the pool.


They both turn, seeing two unnamed students yelling at eachother as a crowd slowly gathers around them.

"I'm not, I swear! This is all I have! I'm just trying to make it like everyone else here!" The girl yells back, backing up slightly.


He leaps on top of her, grabbing her by her shirt collar. He raises his fist, and sends it into the girls face multiple times. After a short, yet very brutal beating, Engel manages to pull the kid off of her, and tends to her wounds. Blood seeps from the face of the wounded woman, as Engel desperately tries to fix her horribly broken face.

Petunia takes a hold of the troublemaker and pins him to the floor, planting her knee onto his neck. She begins tying his hands with a jump rope to secure him. The bunny girl hoists him up, and with the help of two other kids, she slowly shuffles him into Ruby's office.

"Jesus Christ, it's hopeless. How can we possibly fight the teachers if we can't even work together?" Skell asks him. A moment of silence passes as they look at the scene unfold.

"..we'll think of something."

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