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"Now, listen, I know we've all struggled long and hard to get where we are, but we're almost there." Ruby addresses the survivors.

The words she's using are a complete understatement. They've been through hell. They've seen friends killed in cold blood, they haven't seen the sun in days, they haven't eaten well, they're starving, dehydrated, tired, and angry.

"We're so close to getting out of here. We're in the final stretch. We found the lockdown procedure override, but it's locked behind a key only the principal has." She shouts out, recalling the information she found from the staff handbook Robby had given her.

"If we can just find the principal and snatch that key, we'll be free!" A cheer erupts in the crowd, something Ruby hasn't heard in a long time.

"Yeah! We can be free and never come back here! We won't ever have to worry about these psychotic creatures ever again!" She tells them, hoping to lighten their spirits some more.

"We've all lost friends along this way, this road has been paved with unimaginable suffering, but if we stay together, be there for eachother, and keep eachother alive, we can win this." Ruby glances towards Engel, sitting in the back. He doesn't have any sort of emotion.

His face is a blank canvas, a sharp contrast to the once cheerful and optimistic boy they had not too long ago. What sort of terrible things had he seen that had torn his personality away from him?

She snaps herself out of it. She continues talking to the students for a while, reminding each and every one of them what they have to fight for.

After a long, heartfelt speech, they begin to set up a temporary camp in the office.

Ruby radios to Cubbie. "Hey, we're gonna be searching for the principal now, Miss Grace. Let us know if you see her at all. I doubt she'll be walking around in broad daylight, so be sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, then relay it back to me, alright?"

A click is heard, before his crackling voice carries itself through the radio. "Yep! I'll let you know!"

A few hours after the pep-rally, Robby is in the middle of talking to some random kids about their next move, when someone asks a him a question.

"Dude, where's Petunia? Normally she's all over the place, looking for stuff to do."

Robby shakes his head. He doesn't know where she went, and part of him doesn't want to know.
He's about to respond to the guy, when his radio beeps. Everybody's does.

"We got teachers in the back gym, I repeat, Miss Grace is in the back gym!"

There's a split second of silence as everyone looks at eachother. An unease is felt through the air, it's almost palpable.

Suddenly, shouting emerges as everyone scrambles for their weapons. They quickly funnel out the door, absolutely everyone. Even Ruby, which is a surprise. She's never fought in any battles yet.

For a second it reminds Robby of the day before summer break, the way everyone is so eager to get out. Only this time, a distinct sense of fear is in the air.

They eventually make their way to the gym. Ruby peeks through the door's window, and lo and behold...

There lies the green shirted dictator, her back turned to the door. She's about halfway across the gym, talking to the rest of her militia. Ruby cringes in disgust at the sight of her.

"Okay, the principal is in there, do we have a plan?"

A few seconds of silence fill the crowd. One kid speaks up.

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