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Sasha wanders around the office, anxiously. She takes an orange out of the basket of fruits they stole from the cafeteria, and begins to peel it.

She feels horrible about eating food they stole from them, but she's starving. She scarfs the thing down, and sits herself down in a chair. She rests her head on her arms, and takes a quick nap. Her notebook on her face and the cold, metallic table makes it quite uncomfortable, but she gets some sleep in nonetheless.

She's woken up by a gentle touch on her shoulder. She glances over through her sleep-deprived eyes, and sees Miss Grace towering over her. She awakens with a jolt.

"Oh, hi, Miss Grace." She mutters.

"Hello, Sasha. How are you?" She replies, her voice barely audible.

"Oh I'm... alive." The one eyed teacher sighs.

"Okay, good. I have an assignment for you. Come see me in my office at your earliest convenience, please. No rush. Get some shut-eye."

She nods, as she dozes back off to sleep.

After an hour or two of some much needed rest, she slowly awakens. Miss Emily is standing across from her, poking around a cabinet. She must've heard her getting up, as the dark-skinned woman turns to face her.

"Mornin' Sasha. Miss Grace is looking for you. I wouldn't keep her waiting."

"Right, sorry." She picks herself up and moseys over to the office.

She walks in, the door is wide open, yet she still knocks on the side.

Miss Grace has her head buried in a paper, she beckons Sasha to come inside. Miss Bloomie is also in here, she's sorting through a filing cabinet off to the side.

"At last. Please, take a seat." She tells the woman, her voice warm and welcoming.

She obliges, and sits down. She's about to speak, when the green shirted woman speaks to her again.

"Hey, are you okay? What's with those bruises?" She asks, worried.

"Oh, this? I just ran into a wall while running away from some maniac with a cleaver. No big deal." She lies, giggling nervously.

Grace's eyes narrow. Sasha looks away.

"Sasha, if you're getting injured I need you to stay here. I can't have you hurting yourself."

"Haha, anyways, what's the assignment you wanted me for?" She questions her, trying to switch topics.

"I need your info you got from yesterday's scouting. Do you have anything?"

Shit. Shit shit shit.

She forgot to think of an alibi. She hastily forges something in her mind.

"I saw the students in the gym preparing an assault on the library to rescue the students there. It should take them a few days to get ready, so we should raid that place and take anything of value." She says that knowing full well the students have already liberated the library.

Miss Grace tilts her head, and writes this down. Looks like she bought it.

"Good work, we have one small issue, however."

A bead of sweat develops on her forehead.

"One of our teachers, Miss Thavel, went to the library today to acquire some resources, and she saw nobody there."

"Oh! Well, uh, they were probably hiding on the second floor. They're crafty lil guys, you know?"

"Hm, okay."

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