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The students march through the hall, keeping the formation the nerd told them about seemingly forever ago.

Robby and Petunia stack up on the front door, as the welder gets himself into position.

The rest of the students hurry past, following the lead of Engel.

They get to the heavy duty door, as Riley reaches onto her pocket, pulling out an adjustable lighter.

She increases the flame height to the maximum, before lifting the ratchet off of the lighter. From the lifted position, she lowers it back down again. She continues doing this for a few seconds until the lighter begins to leak fluid on its own.

A student hands her some tape as she secures it perpendicular to a wall, its flame burning itself.

The lighter melts its own casing, then...


The door's lock is busted, giving away easily. Engel kicks it open, and students come piling in.

Back at the front, they take the explosion as the sign to begin their entry. The welder takes his torch and begins melting through the lock.

After a few minutes, the door's lock is kaput. Some kid rams the door with a fire extinguisher, busting it open.

A teacher stands in the front office, watching in shock as a horde of angry children bust through the entrance. Out of pure surprise, she turns and runs.

They give chase, pushing her into the hallway. Thanks to Kevin's knowledge on warfare, they've learned to arm their spearman with shields, and put them in front.

Miss Thavel turns around the corner, running from something else, and is caught off guard by the small militia in front of her, she readies her claws, and moves forward to strike.

She can't find a good opening, as the tactic of spears being in the front makes it so that she can't get close without getting poked.

Bits of flesh and blood and torn off of the clawed teacher, as she is pushed back. Through the halls, it's chaos as teachers lose ground rapidly due to the surprise attack.

Robby can see some kid turn a corner, and hears something revving up. The student falls onto the floor, scrambling backwards as Miss Emily takes a buzzsaw to the child's neck, severing it. The dismembered head rolls along the floor, a trail of blood following it.

This intimidates the group, as they all take a few steps back, some stumbling over eachother. The psychopath takes this opportunity to escape through the back hall, she's never seen again.

They continue this process of clearing rooms, forcing teachers to retreat. A few of them are killed, and each time one is, it's celebrated as the fall of a tyrant.

Robby and Petunia are sticking together throughout all of this. Their formation from earlier has broken up, and now everyone is scattered.

Robby turns a corner to the break room as he asks Petunia to cover him. She stands at the entrance to the room with a spear, ready to jump in at the first sign of trouble.

She relaxes when she hears Robby's footsteps behind her.

"Alright, we're clear here. I'm gonna check out this other side, stay put." She turns to face him. Her heart sinks into her stomach. Her blood freezes.

A large, pale, sharp hand is reaching out from around the corner to grab him by the shoulder. Two long, dark horns protrude from around the corner, followed by extensive, dark hair. A dark boot steps out from the corner, making a stride towards him.

She doesn't see the face of the teacher, yet she knows all too well the monster that lies behind that corner.


With an inhumane reaction time, she hurls a spear with the utmost force towards the horns. She predicted when the face of the criminal will peek the corner, and her prediction was correct.

The spear sinks into the face of the soon-to-be murderer, as it collapses onto the floor.

The body drags itself into the corner, as she rushes past Robby to move in and finish the job. She reaches for her belt and pulls out her backup weapon; a kitchen knife.

She turns the corner, with her knife raised, ready to strike, when...

She see's Riley, crouched over the body, attempting to take the spear out of the gaping wound. Petunia's eyes widen.

She looks closer at the corpse. It's a short one. She's wearing a black skirt, complete with an also black buttoned down collared shirt. A small crown sits atop her head in between her horns.

Petunia didn't kill the murderous math teacher.

She just murdered Lizzy.

Riley looks up at her, see's the knife in her hand, and shouts at her.

"DID YOU DO THIS?!" She screams, tears welling in her eyes.

"No! No, I- I thought-!"


Your friend? She almost laughs. Petunia has loved her for the past year, but she's nothing to Riley. How come she's acting like this affects her?

The noise around her starts to drown out. The rabbit only hears muffled screaming and crying of Riley. Her knife falls out of her fingers, hitting the floor with a clang. She looks down at her hands. They're shaking, covered in blood. She can't tell if it's her own or someone else's.

Part of her doesn't believe this. There's no way this just happened. In a few seconds she's going to wake up in her childhood bedroom, and get ready for school. Only that doesn't happen.

She's torn out of her daydream by Riley pouncing on top of her, and begins beating the ever loving shit out of Petunia. A hail of punches is unleaded onto her fur-covered face, breaking bone and skin alike.


She's about to fall unconscious when her attacker gets pulled off of her by Engel. She's screaming and kicking as he pulls her away.

Petunia drags her bruised, beaten, and broken self to her feet, and finds somewhere quiet to rest. She needs to distance herself from everybody before she hurts anyone else.

She sits down in the janitorial closet, before tucking herself into the corner. Her skull aches with the pain of a thousand suns, both mentally and physically. It's not enough. She got off too easy.

She balls her bloodied hand into a fist and brings it into her face. Again, and again, and again. Part of her feels thankful that she dropped that knife. If she still had it she would have probably plunged it into her own stomach in blind grief. She doesn't stop until she feels lightheaded.

She was meant to protect people, and instead, her trigger happy personality resulted in the death of the one person she held dear, mere moments after reuniting with her.

She can't show her face around anyone else again. She locks herself in the closet, and cries herself to sleep.

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