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The students hurry through the halls, their organization is scattered and sloppy. They move like one giant organism, flowing through the empty, blood ridden hallways.

After a little bit, they come face to face with the library. One of the leading students takes a baseball bat and a sock. He wraps the sock around the baseball bat, and waves it into the opening of the library as an identifier that they're friendly. A voice is heard.

"Alright, come in."

They file inside quickly, all of them sitting down and catching their breath, almost all of them, at least. A few decide to poke around for anything of interest. Petunia wanders upstairs, Robby starts taking some books about warfare from the ruined shelves, and Riley's already bothering him to get the group going.

As Petunia wanders upstairs, she accidentally runs into someone. She stumbles back, losing her balance. She tumbles down the stairs, her back taking most of the impacts.

She finally reaches the bottom, pulling herself to her knees. She reaches for her face to check the damage, when she sees someone on the top of the stairs, watching in horror.

Petunia is about to shout at this reckless wench for being the cause of her injuries, but stops.
The woman causing these injuries is no other than...

"LIZZY!" She cries out, sprinting back up the stairs.

She practically tackles her, as she dives into her arms.

"Oh my god, you're alive!" She buries her head into her shoulder.

"Hey, Pet, relax! I'm fine! Sorry I shoved you down the stairs..." She giggles, nervously.

"No, no, you're fine, I don't care. How long have you been here?"

"I don't know, we've been holed up here ever since..." She shudders. "That day."

"God, I'm so glad you're okay..." The rabbit whispers, tearing up a little.

Lizzy rests her head on her friend's shoulder, holding her closely. They sit here for an eternity, just embracing eachother.

Petunia looks behind her towards the crowd of people. "Hey, good news, we're bringing you back to the pool with the rest of us. We're starting some sort of resistance movement. Are you good at fighting?" She questions her.

"Uh, I took judo classes, but that's about it." She mutters, looking down.

"That's good enough, we need every hand we can have helping out. Get your stuff ready, we're going soon." She says, turning around and walking back.

"And hey, Lizzy?" She says, looking back at her.

"I'm glad you're okay. Keep yourself in one piece, yeah?"

They're not there for long. After all, they are very vulnerable here. They quickly return back to the hallways as they bring the students back to the pool.

They're not even a quarter of the way there when they hear Kevin's annoying, lisped voice.

"Uhm, are you guys shtupid? You need a formation. You can't just wander around the halls as a mass of people."

Petunia, slightly annoyed, snaps back at him.

"Oh, yeah? Like what, smart guy?" She interrogates him.

"Well, for a start, you should have your heavy infantries in the front, and light infantry on the side. Archers should cover the rear with shields behind the heavies, ready to deploy anywhere."

Absolutely everyone stares back at him.

"Okay, fine, put the people with bats and shields in the front, spears to the side, bows in the back, backed up with some small weapons. You understand that?" He replies, visibly annoyed.

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