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Engel is twenty-eight now. He lives in his own house with his wife Britney. They met at a ski resort, where she almost ran him over.

It's a quiet, slow life, but it's a good one. They spent the majority of their time watching TV together in the living room.

Despite his new life, he can't forget the things he saw.

He spends an absurd amount of time staring out his bedroom window, reflecting on the past events that took place in that hellhole. It almost always results in him having a panic attack, but he can't separate himself from that window. Britney does a good job of keeping him in check, though.

He often wakes up in a cold sweat from having nightmares about that place. A reoccurring one features the gym, with people dying all around him in agonizing ways. He can't move his feet at all, as he sees a teacher inching closer and closer towards him. He always wakes up just before they strike.

Engel sometimes wonders why he was one of the few who survived.

Robby works as a car mechanic now. It's a thankless job, but at least he's good at it and it pays well.

He's kept the wrench he used in there to remind him of the tragedy that occurred. He doesn't want to forget the people who perished there.

Sometimes if he stares at that wrench long enough, he can see the oil and coolant of Ruby still staining it.

He's never mourned anyone in his life, but he found himself longing for the attention and care of Ruby like a mother.

He doesn't want to go back to that place. Ever. But sometimes he finds himself wishing he was back at school before the event, with his few friends he had.

Cubbie didn't last very long on his own.

He couldn't handle seeing what he saw at that entrance. Dozens of people, dead. Dozens of people he knew the names of, reduced to a pile of guts on the floor.

He felt responsible. If he would've stuck with the job they gave him at the end, maybe they would've lived a little longer.

He hates the fact that he left his friend for dead, but at the same time he hates what she did to him. Part of him hopes she survived, part of him doesn't.

He simply couldn't handle it.

He looks down at the gun in his hand, trembling with so much fear he might just die of a heart attack.

His eyes dart around the forest he ran away into, hoping someone will come for him, and convince him not to do it, but nobody came.

He raises the gun to his chin, tears pouring down his face. And with the pull of a trigger, he allows nature to reclaim his body.

Miss Bloomie got up and left as soon as she heard the announcement. She fled the state before an investigation started, which led to the incarceration of Miss Grace, and the rest of the Maple County Board Of Education.

After the investigation, she snuck back into the school and grabbed a staff book. She traced the number of Mister Demi, and gives him a call.

She tells him that Sasha was killed during the events, and he breaks down sobbing. She also informs him that her dying words were to simply say hello to him.

She comforts him on the phone for about thirty minutes, before hanging up.

The police eventually found her hiding in a home in Colorado, where she was sentenced to life in prison. She also went under a forced operation to remove the box cutter from her arm, which she was very thankful for.

Riley, despite the events that unfolded there, moved on quite well. She became a nurse.

Even though she recovered from the death of her friend, she still hates thinking about it. She loathes that stupid rabbit, and she hopes she got gutted in the dark.

She will admit, though. Petunia was quite nice to her most of the time. She shared her lunch with her, helped her out on assignments, and was overall a pretty nice person. She questions if she deserved her fate.

No matter. She doesn't dwell on the topic for long. She's a very busy woman now.

Kevin became a librarian. Partially because it's interesting to him, and partially because he can just sit around and read books all day, claiming he's "working."

He makes sure to keep the section about the medieval warfare stocked extra well.

He began to read about medieval history way more, and almost lost interest entirely when he found out katanas were actually a very weak weapon.

All in all, around fifty eight students were killed during the uprising. Some went out fighting, most went out afraid, and a few went out on their own terms.

The school was demolished, and the incident took the media by storm. Inspiring several books from accounts of survivors, documentaries, and hundreds, maybe even thousands of news articles, all covering the uprising within the school.

It was found out the teachers were slaughtering students for over seventy two years, in order to keep Alice fed to prevent her from breaking outside the school. That didn't go so well, and the majority of the students and the teachers present at the time of that outbreak didn't live to tell the tale.

Alice herself became mostly a cryptid, a story told only around the brightest of campfires in the darkest of woods. The stories got so exaggerated at one point, it was hard to tell what was even true.

One thing was certain though. If she saw you, you and everybody you ever known were about to be torn in half.

The incident was remembered for hundreds of years, and every year on April seventh to the eleventh, a memorial is held for the dozens of students murdered at the hands of the bloodthirsty teachers.

One question still remains in everyone's head, though. Why did this happen? What did any of those kids do to deserve the torture they got?

Most of them were innocent. They all went to school that one day, unaware the majority would never be walking back out. They walked into that school feeling happy, and excited, and came out traumatized and hollow.

All fifty eight of them had the rest of their lives ahead of them, and all fifty eight were brutally stripped away in a meaningless, bloody conflict.

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