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It's a warzone now.

Arrows fly overhead towards the teachers, the majority missing their target due to the stress, and the fact that they're just high schoolers with weapons. A few particularly well placed shots manage to find their mark, though. An arrow pierces Miss Emily through the leg.

She recoils back in pain as a couple of students approach her, weapons raised. One of them has a fire extinguisher, the other has a baseball bat. She takes her buzzsaw around her hip, revs it up, and cuts through the fire extinguisher, causing a puff of smoke to erupt. Violent coughing ensues as the elusive teacher repositions herself on the field.

Robby moves himself around the sides of the gym, waiting for an opening to reveal itself to swoop in and snatch the key on the floor. He glances over to Ruby. She's still alive, but not for long. She's crawling backwards across the gym floor, using her only arm remaining to hold herself up.

He darts over to her, but his path is blocked by no other than Miss Bloomie. He does a quick scan of his opponent, and remembers that she was a biology teacher. Bloomie would know where all his vital organs are, and by extension, how to kill him as quickly as possible. He has to stay out of her reach at all costs.

He raises his nailgun, aiming it towards her leg. He squeezes the trigger, firing off a burst of cold steel into her ankle. She collapses to the floor, clutching her leg as Robby darts around her. She takes a swipe at his legs as he runs around, but he's easily able to hop over it.

He gets around to Ruby. She scoots herself closer to him, as Robby picks her up under her arms. He drags her back into the supply closet, as she struggles to cling onto life. He sits her up against a wall as he peers out into the gym, and screams for Engel.

The feather haired boy is standing in the middle of the gym, completely shell-shocked by his situation. He glances over at a student walking around without an arm, before dropping dead a few seconds later. He stares back at Robby, fear filling his gaze as he steps backwards, and runs.

"Good for nothing piece of..." He whispers under his breath. He looks down at her missing arm, and the gaping hole in her face. It's leaking coolant, and it's leaking fast. Her visor glitching out beyond recognition. Her speech is slurred and glitchy, he can't understand a word she says.

He reaches into his tool bag on his hip. Engel wouldn't be so much of a help here. Maybe he doesn't need that coward. Ruby is a robot, after all. Not made of skin and bone.

"That's probably why he ran, to help people he could save. Not that he can't save you, he's just better equipped for people made of flesh, you know?" He desperately tries to calm down the terrified Ruby as she hyperventilates.

He pulls out some scotch tape out of his bag, and covers the hole in her face with it. It almost instantly turns blue due to the sheer amount of coolant being lost, the liquid seeping from the cracks in her visor.

He turns his attention to what's left of her arm, it's been severed from the elbow down. He doesn't have any good tools to deal with something this bad. He notices the metal around the cut is a lot softer, and way, way warmer. He takes a look at his nailgun, and sighs.

"This is going to hurt, Ruby. This is going to hurt a lot. Take a deep breath, okay?" He reassures her. He takes his nailgun and presses it against her leaking stump, squeezing the trigger. With a soft pu-chk, the metal warps inward at the force of the nail, slowing the leakage slightly.

He repeats this process for all four sides of her arm, as she screams out in pain each time. It seems to stop the leaking by a considerable amount, though.

With a heavy heart, he stands up, and leaves his bag next to her.

"I have to go, I'll be back, I promise. I won't let you die, Ruby." He tells her, before darting back into battle.

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