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In the conference room, it's a mess. People are screaming at eachother, accusations are being thrown around, and it's starting to get violent.

"You need to fortify the eight grade hall! That's where they're getting in!"

"No, that's our only supply line and escape route!"

"We need to extract them from the library!"

"They're good as dead, we can't help them."

Ruby pauses as she reflects on that one sentence. The library? She forgot about the kids there.

She blows her whistle to make everyone shut up, as she interrogates the student who said that.

"Who's in the library?" She asks him.

The kid looks flustered. He obviously wasn't expecting anyone to actually listen to him when he said that.

"Oh, I- uhm, I know for a fact that Riley is in there, and maybe Kevin. I've heard rumors that Bubble might be there, too."

Kevin, Riley. Those could be huge assets to the fight.

Riley is an absolute maniac. She's gotten into multiple fights during school, there's a rumor she kept cleavers in her backpack, alongside glitter spray and a lighter. She's not too sure about that last part, though.

Kevin was an absolute dork. He's not strong or fast, but she'll be damned if he wasn't one of the smartest people she knew when it came to stuff like medieval warfare. That was one of his major interests.

She relays this information to the group, and explains how vital of an asset they are to their fight. The computer girl proposes a rescue operation to safely escort them from the library. The conference room erupts into chaos.

"It's suicide! They'll kill us all!"

"We can't, the only way there is barricaded!"

"They're already dead, it's no use."

"Maybe they'll have some food stored in there!"

"We should steal it, we need it more than they do."

"It's only three people, it's a waste of time and resources!"

"HEY!" Ruby yells, slamming the desk to get everyone's attention again.

"I've made an executive decision, we're going to do this. We'll organize a meeting with Miss Sasha to see if they're still there, and then if they are, we are going to get them out of there."

There's a collective sigh in the crowd as Ruby dismisses them. She goes to get Engel, and tells him to go organize a meeting with Sasha. He obliges, and moves out into the hallway to place the symbols on a secure door.

He wanders through the empty halls, looking for a place that's able to be found easily by her, but not anyone else.

He finds a fairly abandoned room in the science hallway. He takes some chalk from his pocket, and on the wall, writes on the wall...

 He takes some chalk from his pocket, and on the wall, writes on the wall

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He now moves into the wrecked room, this one looking worse than the last one.

Drawers are torn off of their hinges, paper litters the floor, the lights here are completely shattered, making the floor covered in incredibly sharp shards of glass that'd slice him up if he didn't have any shoes on.

He looks towards the back corner of the classroom. He can see some more chalk on the wall, he looks closer.

 He can see some more chalk on the wall, he looks closer

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??? - ???

A chill runs down his spine. He doesn't know what these symbols mean, but they don't look promising.

He sits here for about thirty minutes, when he hears footsteps outside of the door, stopping right in front of it.





He walks over to the door, and opens it slightly. He lets out a sigh of relief as the friendly teacher stands in the hall. He ushers her in quick, and gives her a chair. He has to swipe broken glass off of it.

"Okay, Sasha, we're going to try and extract the students from the library if any of them are there, could you check if they're still there, and radio back to Cubbie if you can?" He tosses Sasha his radio, which she fumbles slightly.

"Yeah, I can do that." She turns it off, and puts it in her pocket. Engel looks around, paranoid.

"Engel, are you alright?" She asks him, sounding like a worried mother. The bird boy looks back up to her.

"No, I'm not. Everyone I know is dying, I feel like I'm failing them, I can't help but feel responsible." Tears begin welling in his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, Engel. We're gonna make it out of here, alright? I'll make sure you get out of here with your friends. I promise you."

She takes the boy's hand and holds it close to her chest. Engel lurches forward and puts his head onto Sasha's shoulder. He cries into it for a little bit, trying to keep himself quiet in case anyone hears him.

They hear a slight tumbling in the walls, followed by a click. They both snap their heads around, looking for the source of that sound.

Engels breathing starts to ramp up, but is quickly subdued by Sasha's calming, soothing voice.

"It's probably just rats, honey. This place is falling apart." She tells him, running her hands through his hair. He lets out a sigh, as he stands back up.

"Okay, thank you. I appreciate you a lot, Sasha. Take care of yourself, and stay safe, okay?"

She nods as she stands up, and they both walk towards the door.

"Good luck." He tells her.

"You too."

They both go their separate ways.

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