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The feline sits in his office, terrified of the events going on outside. He can hear screams of people being brutally killed, while he himself is helpless to do anything.

He's ditched his security job entirely now. He's only focused on keeping himself alive. The table is propped against the door, acting as a makeshift barricade. He's tucked himself into the far corner of the room, with a radio next to him.

He heard the announcement go off, but he doesn't dare step outside. He's too worried about what he'll see. He waits for someone to come get him.

He sits there for another fifteen minutes, when he can't stand it anymore. He can't stand the screams and the violence anymore. He wants to go home. Nobody will come for him here.

He reaches into the drawer, and heads out.

Petunia is holding on by a thread. Multiple cuts cover her body, red staining her fur. Her breathing is ragged and labored. She sits in the corner, begging Circle to hear her out.

"No, no, honey, I'm not obligated to listen to you right now. You're nothing more than a rodent who needs to be exterminated." She giggles, slicing the student's wrist once more.

"I'm honestly impressed with your courage, Petunia. Your friends caused quite the ruckus. And it was a nice change having something that actually fights back for once. I always appreciate a good challenge." The murderous math teacher cackles as she pulls Petunia's shirt up, and presses the needle of her compass against Petunia's abdomen.

Her skin gives away easily as the psychopath pushes it through her stomach, making her victim scream out in agony. She writes around, but is stopped due to Circle's hand grabbing her shoulder, her claws digging into her skin.

"Oh, hush, darling. You'll be fine. It won't hurt for much longer-"

A familiar voice echoes through the halls.

"Stop it!"

Both of their heads snap around, and in the hallway stands Cubbie.

He has something in his hands, holding it outstretched with one arm. His other hand is brought up to the side of his head, plugging his ear. Neither of them need to look closely to know what it is.

The black steel shines reassuringly in the industrial light of the school hallway, it's lethality zeroed in on the criminal bent over his friend, eager to burst forward with destructive power. The rounds inside of the gun rattle as his hand shakes.

Miss Circle tilts her head at the sudden appearance of the boy. She stands up, and stares him in the eyes.

"You're not supposed to have that, Cubbie. You may as well put that back in the security room where it belongs before I get upset." She says. Her voice wavering a little. She's slightly worried.

"No! I'm not letting you hurt anyone else!" The cat shouts, his aim focusing on the monster in front of him. "Don't take another step!"

Miss Circle giggles, as she holsters her compass. She moves forward towards Cubbie with sinister intent. "Thats cute. Do you know why I spared you that day, Cub-"


Petunia jolts as a flash of light emits from the barrel, accompanied with an ear piercing explosion as hot lead is expelled into the chest of the beast. The gun kicks back up, making Cubbie almost lose his grip on it. The air is silent, apart from the clinging of an empty shell falling onto the floor.

She drops to her knees, clutching the hole in her stomach. She brings herself back up to her feet, and takes another step.

"Go on, shoot me. Kill your teacher. I know you don't have the-"

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