Chapter 95: Brave But Foolish

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The Crystal Island continues to float across Ninjago City, as the citizens are attacked and surrounded by crystal warriors and beasts. 

"Destroy the warriors!" Reika instructs the ninja "Don't hurt the beasts though! They're people!"

"Right!" The ninja replies.

On the Destiny's Bounty, Nya is monitoring the ninjas' vehicles as they fought off the warriors.

"Jay, Cole, Kai. You're overheating your engines." Nya says, "You need to ease off the power boost."

"Aw, man! This power boost is awesome!" Jay says.

"It won't be awesome if you blow out your engine." Reika replies "Ease up."

"You got it, powering down." Cole agrees.

"Affirmative." Kai replies.

"Party pooper." Jay whines.

Reika sighs as she turns away from the computers. Wu came into the compartment wearing the golden armor.

"Where do you think you're going?" Reika questions.

"You didn't think I would sit out the most important battle of our time, did you?" Wu replies "I helped start this war; I'll help finish it."

"If you think the Golden Armor will protect you from the power of the Overlord, you are mistaken." Garmadon tells him.

"That's not the Overlord," Reika glares at him.

"The Overlord has always been what we call the being of pure darkness," Garmadon turns to her "Do you think his daughter is any different? No, the first Overlord had a name too."

"Svern..." Reika turns away "Yeah."

"If you're not prepared for this fight, then say so now." Garmadon says "You may show her mercy, but do not expect any in return."

"Do you have anything positive to say?!" Reika growls.

"Hmm. I am positive we will lose." Garmadon replies.

"If you're so convinced we're doomed, why did you even come?!" Reika shouts before leaving the room.

Atop the Crystal Island, Aria laughs as she watches the ex-deltorians run through the town in their true forms. The citizens of Ninjago running away in fear of them. Lloyd stares down at them with a look of pity.

"Lloyd, isn't it amusing?" Aria questions.

"Oh, yes." Lloyd turns to her with a smile "They're getting what they deserve. While they themselves are not attacking anyone... they see them as they are... monsters."

They turn their heads, hearing a noise, it was Zane flying towards them in his jet.

"They're coming," Lloyd draws his sword.

"Let the fools come," Aria waves her hand "This temple will drain their vehicles and leave them powerless."

Zane's missiles hit the temple and the two fall over.

"What the hell?!" Aria looks up to see the Bounty approaching.

"They upgraded their vehicles," Lloyd says.

Lloyd stood up and stood in front of Aria protectively as she got up from the floor. Nya shoots cables from the Destiny's Bounty and begins pulling the temple away.

"They're trying to pull us out of the city!" Aria shouts "Hanabusa!"

The ninja watch as the white nights come flying towards them on the backs of dragonides. 

"Look out!" Nya shouts.

Aria laughs as Reika and Garmadon defends the Bounty from the white knights. They soon took out their thruster and were rattled.

"Sensei!" Reika shouts.

Nya turns her head to see Wu leap off the Bounty and glide to the Crystal Island. The Ninja continues fighting the white knights as Wu stood on the island, standing tall to face the two.

"What exactly are you trying to accomplish here old man?" Aria questions with her arms crossed.

"What I should've a long time ago," Wu responds "stories of your family has been told to me all my life. They all end the same though Aria, with your defeat!"

"Bold of you to say." Aria says "Your father has never truly won, nor will you ever. I will fight for my family, and my kind as long as I exist."

"I truly wished... it never had to end this way." Wu replies.

"Then I only have one thing left to say to you," Aria turns away from him as Lloyd's eyes glowed pink "Goodbye."

Wu stands defensively as Lloyd turns to him.


Lloyd blasts Wu off the island as the Ninja watch in fear, Wu wakes up in time to safely glide back onto the Bounty. Nya rushes to him as Reika's eyes widen, seeing Lloyd set his eyes on the Bounty.

"Shit," Reika mutters.

Aria puts her hand on the center crystal; crystalizing all of Ninjago City. Lloyd then uses his power to shoot a blast at the Bounty, setting it on fire as it descends.

"The air brakes! The air brakes! It's our only chance!" Nya shouts

Reika quickly runs and hits the air brakes, however the Bounty scraps on a building, causing the ship to be split in half, with Nya and Wu falling down on the front half. While Reika and Garmadon's fall ends in an explosion.

"Checkmate, ninja." Aria laughs as she sat on her throne.

Lloyd looks out at the city and sighs "The end is almost near."

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