Chapter 8 - Home All Alone

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Emily stepped onto the platform, bidding her goodbye's to the Weasley twins. As soon as her feet touched the ground, memories flooded back to her. Noah meeting her after a year, Cedric chasing her around with a broom for fun, Lucky seeing everything for the first time, Noah comforting her when she was about to go to hogwarts in her first year... Emily grimaced as she fought down tears. She couldn't cry. Not here. Lucky snuggled his nose in Emily's arm. He was still growing, and he was about as tall as Emily's hips. 

She looked at the twins putting the bag of money (the ones that Potter had given them, it was filled with 1000 galleons!) in their bag before hugging their mom. Emily felt a twinge of jealousy. She grabbed her trunk and walked over to a man standing next to a sign reading: apparition taxis. Go anywhere for only a galleon!, Lucky trailing after her.

"Can you apparate me and my luggage to John's Road?" Emily asked.

"Yes. With the wolf?" Emily nodded, grabbed the man's arm and her trunk, made Lucky put his paw on her arm, and the man apparated away. The arrived in front of Noah's house and Emily stepped forwards onto the threshold and tears were swelling into her eyes. The taxi man held out his hand expectantly, waiting for his payment. Emily stepped back. "I need to go somewhere else." she said blankly, "to grimmauld street, and yes, you will get an extra galleon." Emily grabbed his arm and he apparated in front of a muggle street. Emily handed him his payment and he disapparated, probably to taxi someone else. Emily breathed in deeply and took a step forwards. Suddenly, number 12 grimmauld place popped up out of nothing, and the other houses didn't seem to notice. Emily grabbed her trunk, and indicated for Lucky to follow her up the stairs.

They stepped inside and Emily was instantly greeted by dust. She coughed and sneezed, but walked on. She left her trunk by the foot of the stairs to go greet Kreacher. "Kreacher! Were are you? It's me! Emily!" she exclaimed.

"Emily!" a voice squealed from the kitchen, and not long after a house elf sprinted out and hugged Emily's legs. "How are you Kreacher? And how is Grandma's portrait?" Emily asked kindly.

"Kreacher is well Emily! He has been taking care of Mrs Walburga's portrait very well! Look!" kreacher pointed towards the portrait, and sure enough, the portrait had vibrant colours and there wasn't a speck of dust on it, which was a huge accomplishment, seeing how much dust had collected here over the years. Kreacher was an old house elf after all. "Good afternoon Grandma!" Emily said happily, walking over to the portrait, with Lucky trailing behind her, his tail wagging excitedly, ready to explore a new place. Emily waved her wand and all the dust disappeared, and Lucky was free to explore, but he was not allowed to break things or go upstairs.

"Good afternoon dear! I saw what you just did," Grandma Walburga's portrait said, "but not to worry, your grandfather Orion had made an unplottable charm on this house, which meant that the ministry couldn't find this house, or trace any underage magic. He even charmed it so that it would continue even when he died!" Emily nodded approvingly, but her mind was on something else. The portrait noticed.

"What's wrong dear?" it asked. Tears welled in Emily's eyes.

"I'm all alone... Noah and Ced... They're both gone..." Emily burst into tears and fell to the ground. "Oh you poor thing!" the portrait said, "Kreacher!" the house elf apparated to the portrait. The portrait was about to say an order, but Kreacher already saw Emily. "Emily! Miss Emily! Please stop crying! Kreacher doesn't like it when you cry, because then that makes Kreacher cry too!" Kreacher hugged Emily tight, and with a snap of his fingers, Emily was in her room, on her bed, with Lucky at the foot of the bed. Emily sobbed into her cushion, and slowly fell asleep of exhaustion. After an hour or two, Kreacher came to check on Emily, and when he opened the door, he smiled to himself. Emily was curled up in a ball, much like her pet wolf in her arms.

He left some food on her nightstand, and quietly left her to sleep.

"How is she doing?" Grandma Walburga asked.

"How is who doing?" another portrait asked groggily. It was the portrait of grandpa Orion.

"You know that blasted eldest son of ours?" Walburga asked and the man nodded. "Well, he had a child, named Emily. He left her all alone, and now her adopted father and her best friend and her owl have died! All in one year! No she has no one left, because her father made sure that she had no friends by killing that Pettigrew!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, that poor thing!" Orion exclaimed.

"That's what I said!" Walburga shouted. Prion cracked a grin. They were so alike...

Emily had stayed asleep for 5 hours until she finally came downstairs, for some fresh air. "Sorry, for you know, breaking down in front of you." Emily apologized. 

"Oh, deary! There is no reason to apologize, I got someone for you to meet!" Walburga said, and indicated towards the portrait on the other wall. A man walked up into view, and he looked a lot like her 'father', which meant that he looked a lot like her. "That my dear, is your grandfather that passed away just before your death..."

"Orion Black." the man finished. "Nice to meet you." Emily introduced herself and started talking all about her year, stopping a few times to take a deep breath, and then continued. It was 5pm with she started talking, and she was done at 8pm. She wasn't hungry, and so she quickly showered and went to bed. Even after a 5 hour sleep, she was still so tired, and even before she hit the bed, she was out. Asleep.

A/N - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 5K!!!! I have no clue what to say!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! A bit of a short chapter, but Emily is going to have a bit of dramatic tiem next chapter, and she is finally going to meet Molly!! Is Molly going to act kind or rude to her. Nobody knows... Except for me of course.... I can't believe that I've been writing this for 4 months and I've already gotten 5K reads! Thank you so much!

Random joke:

Who stole Voldemort's nose?

Nobody nose....

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