"Its the uniform isnt it"

496 11 35

Wednesdays perspective

Ugh, Enid dragged me to one of her ball games. Softball was it? It's incredibly warm out. Which for me is good.

I'm naturally cold and it's nice to be bathed in warmth every once in a while. But for Enid, she is like a human furnace. So when it's warm, she is usually dying of the heat.

It's funny to watch. I walk over to the bleachers beside the dugouts. I sit on the cold bleacher and I can hear Enid's intoxicating laugh. God, I could listen to her laugh all day.

Suddenly, I hear another person sit beside me. "Hey there bestie!" Its Yoko. "What do you want Yoko?" I say averting eye contact. I really don't want to engage in a conversation.

"Well, both of our girlfriends are playing today, so it only makes sense that we hangout during the game." She says pointing to the field.

"I do not want to hang out with you Yoko. I am simply here to support my girlfriend." I say emotionless.

"Whatever you say. But I'm not moving." She says taking out her phone. At least we aren't conversing anymore.

I had brought a black messenger bag. Inside were headphones, a book, Enid's phone, my phone, Enid's water, and a water for myself.

I don't know why Enid couldn't have just brought her items into her dugout. But, I am fine with carrying it.

I take out my book and I open it to my bookmark. Suddenly, I hear Enid shake the fence in front of the bleachers.

"Babbyyyy!! Can you give me my water for a second." I hear her say. I look up at her face. I nod and quickly hand her the Owala she made me bring.

She takes it happily and runs back to her dugout. "Thank you babycakes." She shouts running away like a child.

In a few minuets I hear the game start. I look up at the field and I see the team start on the field. I see Divina kneel In front of the umpire.

Then, I see Enid go to outfield. Her uniform..

Enid's uniform is so tight on her, oh god..the pants perfectly hug her body. And her jersey..god..I feel my face heat up quickly.

Yoko looks at me worriedly. "You good Wednesday?" She questions.
I shake my head as I dig through my messenger bag for my black owala water bottle.

I quickly take a large sip. I begin to breathe heavily, almost panting. Enid's uniform is so..good looking.

Yoko looks at where I'm looking and she smirks. "Wednesday.." she says.
"What.." I gulp. "Are you having a gay panic?" She asks slyly.

"I- No! I don't have any sort of gay panics." I reply defensively. "Mhm..sure." She replies.

I look back up at Enid and I feel myself get extremely warm again. I continue to take large sips of my water.

"What even is a 'gay panic' " I mutter. "Basically you get all warm and sick when you see something gay~" she says laughing.

"Oh" is all I can say. Then, Xavier walks over and sits between me and Yoko. "Hey Wenny." He says snaking his arm around my lower back.

"One, don't call me that. Two, get you disgusting dirty paws off me you mole rat." I say scooting myself away from him.

Then, a big yellow softball comes flying towards us. It barely misses Xavier. "Sorry!!" A very attractive Enid yells from the field. She winks at me and Xavier scurries away from us.

I feel all the blood in my body rush to my face. What am I truly feeling. Maybe it is a 'gay panic'.

After the game me and Yoko are waiting beside the dugout for our girlfriends.

Enid and Divina walk out talking about their win. "Weddss!" Enid runs up to me and she tightly hugs my waist. She tucks her head under my chin and she inhales.

"Good job Sinclair." I say in her ear. She hums a response and we begin to walk back to our dorms.

Once we reach the school, me and Yoko part ways and Enid grabs ahold of my hand. She hums a low tune while she slips to our dorm.

I can feel myself run into another 'gay panic. So as soon as we entered our dorm, and the door closed behind us. I pressed myself against her.

I look up into her eyes before I press my lips to hers. She lets out a surprised yelp but after a second she follows action.

Our heads bob in sync as the kiss turns into a make out session. After around five minutes she pulls back and we are both panting heavily for air.

"It's the uniform isn't it?" She says slyly.

I shit out another story. It's like the football one but softball so tell me if you like it. I strive for people's approval.


So this is love? -Wenclair Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now