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Wednesdays POV

I'm seated in the family room of my families manor when I hear our landline phone ring. I get up and slowly make my way towards our hallway where the phone is located.

I get to the phone and after the third rhythmic ring, I pull the phone from the stand. I put it up to my ear, "Addams family manor, Wednesday speaking."   On the other end of the call, I can hear breathy whispers.

Then, I hear a bone chilling scream. A scream that truly means eternal demise. A painful, unwilling scream. The weirdest part about it wasn't only on the other end of my phone. It was outside my home. In the far distance.

Now, I am one for a good scare. But, my family is currently at my cousins estate. I'm home alone. The closest thing to protection I have is a small handheld pistol, and a few different varieties of blades.

But if that scream is what I think it might be, someone is outside my home. And they're trying to scare me. "Hello? This isn't a joke. Answer me." I demand. The only response I get is a low, growl like laugh.

Then the line cuts. I take a deep breath and place the phone back onto its holder and I step back away from it. So many things are racing through my mind.

I sigh, and quickly make my way to my bedroom. As I walk up the stairs to my attic room, I motion Thing to follow me. I can't have him hurt if I am truly being threatened.

As I open my bedroom door, Thing quickly scurries in. I check my pockets and I realize, I left the pistol in the safe of my parent's room.

I get down on one knee and whisper to Thing, "stay in here, if you hear a scream, open my window and run out. Whatever may be coming won't notice you." Thing quickly puts a thumbs up and I nod with another deep breath.

I stand up and slowly peek through my door, it's silent, too silent. I creep back down the stairs in a quiet but hastful pace.

I round the corner of the hall and quickly enter my parents room, I walk into their closet and open the safe, inside was a small combat knife and the pistol.

I grab the pistol and slide in the mag, then I cock the gun back and step out of the closet.

Just then, the lights cut dark. The powers gone out. I feel my breath quicken as I hear my manor's front door swing open with a loud bang and creak.

I feel a million thoughts run through my mind and all I can think to do is get back to my room. I grip the pistol tightly and bolt up the stairs with a loud creak.

I swing open my door and lock it behind me. I hear the shuffling of big boots slowly walk up the stairs to my room. Thing motions to my large chest at the foot of my bed.

I nod and I push it infront of the door. Then, I hear the phone ring again. I ignore the phone and begin to push my shelf infront of the door aswell. I push it against it and as the phone stop ringing, I hear the same, low, growl type laughter from the other side of the door.

My eyes widen and I feel adrenaline rushing through my body. I call out, "Who..Who the fuck are you." I say in a menacingly tone.

"Open up.." I hear in a singsongy tune. I feel my eyes begin to wet and a tear falls down my cheeks. I grip the pistol tighter and I aim it at the door ready for whatever comes in.

I hear one, slowly, knock on the door. "Open the door.." the person demands. "No.." I call back.

Then, I hear a loud bang. And the door swings open. My shelf falling over onto the ground and breaking my crystals with another loud noise.

The person standing infront of was


Ghostface has been a legend man in my family for years. He's always haunted one of us in the bloodline. Now it's me. Why me? I don't want to die!..well..maybe I do.

But..they don't sound anything like a man..and this Ghostface has a pink hoodies robe. Not like the stories.

This Ghostface is a few inches taller than me, they look more..feminine, and it looks like they have a tail and ears.

But they also have a knife. "Oh Wednesday.. I've been eating so longe for the rush of hurting another Addams.." she hums, stepping into the doorway.

My hands behind I shake and I drop the gun with a small sob, I feel tears run down my cheeks and I sob.
The person step another closer to me, "Now how long has it been since I've gotten to taste another one of you guys.." she thinks aloud.

I shrivel back and stumble into my bed. The person bends over and picks up something..Thing.

"Pu..Put him down.." I cry quietly, the person looks down at me and readjusts their mask. "Oh, and why should I do that..Nessy?" She hums.

She carefully grasps one of things fingers and pulls it back with a loud crack. She just broke things pointer finger.

She drops thing onto the ground with a small thud and she steps closer to me, "I've waited a while to come into your home..and get you.."
she says with a teasing glint.

She pulls the mask off of her face and I see it's Enid, Enid Sinclair.

"E..Enid?" I mumble. She flashes a smile, her canines showing. " remember.." she hums.


"Ow!" Wednesday called out loudly, as she fell onto the wood chip floor of the playground.

"Are you alright?" A raspy voice calls out to her, Wednesday looks up to see another girl around her age. (10-11)

"Uh- I'm..Fine." Wednesday says standing up and brushing the sticky wood chops off of her pants. The artsy looking girl stick out her hand and greets her, "I'm Enid! Enid Sinclair," she says in her small, raspy voice. Wednesday ignores her and quickly walks away.

Everyday, Enid would come up to her and try to spark a conversation, Wednesday would just decline though.


"We grew up the same were always so ignorant, and dark. I wanted to be your friend.." Enid laughs.

"Enid I'm..Please don't hurt me.." I beg, looking up at the girl with tears in my eyes. "Hm..I don't've been quite the bully." Enid points her knife at me.

"I was young..and ignorant. I am sorry." I respond quickly. Enid traces my jawline with the tip of her pink handled Hello Kitty knife.

She moves the dagger down and penetrates my throat in a swift motion. "Oh..I guess it's too late" she hums, kissing my cheek.

I scream out in pain and I cough up splatter of blood. I feel all the air leave my body and I feel myself fall backwards onto my bed.

And crawls on top of me and like the blood from my neck, "I hope you die peacefully, Wednesday." She mumbles climbing off of me and resting a blanket over my head. And with that, I close my eyes.

When I awake, I am seated in a bright white room my family surrounding me. My mother cries happily and she rests her head on my thigh. I feel extremely numb and mute.

I glance out of the hospital window and I see Enid wink at me. Before she jumps off the building with a smile.

Alright..I feel really bad about ending this book. But I am ending this book at 50 chapters, and for the last ones, I want your guy's suggestions. :)

I love you all so much!! <33

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