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Wednesdays Perspective

It was a normal day at school, Wednesday was sitting in the library with her only two friends. Eugene and Xavier. Even though Wednesday wasn't popular, Xavier was.

So everyone knew he likes the raven girl. But he never said anything. Wednesday knew, but she didn't want to ruin a peaceful friendship between the group so she kept quiet.

I packed up my things to leave for my next class when Xavier pulls me aside, "hey, Wednesday. Can I talk to you?" He said in a hushed quiet tone.

"Sorry, but I have to go. Mr. Haywood already despises me. I really don't want to take that class again. So I cannot be late." I reply, also a bit quiet.

The artists sigh s and nods, "what about at the end of the day?" He says hopefully. I nod my head and walk out of the library. That was weird.

Especially since he pulled me away from Eugene. Whatever he needed to say I guess it was personal then?

I walk into the halls and immediately I hear the loud, teasing laugh. I know it anywhere. Enid Sinclair.

She was the schools top priority, her dad sponsors the school. So apparently she's like some big thing the school cares about. And for some reason, she hates me.

I used to actually be friends with her in seventh grade, but then she started to spread rumors about me.

Like how I'm a lesbian for her, and I'm some alien space dyke. It hurt a lot back then, but I got over it slowly.

Now she just bullies me. But recently I've been seeing her tactics change. Instead of bullying me infront of the whole school, or her group of friends, she attacks me when we are both alone.

It is a bit more tense, but that's why I've been getting out of it a lot. I'm usually with me two friends all day or I'm in class, so she never gets the chance.

Until now, the bell rang through the halls, so try a loud buzzing. Kids start scrambling to their classrooms. And still, I have none of my books.

I walk over to my locker as the hallway quickly clear, I open it up and I grab my next class' books.

Then, I hear her. Her loud laugh. I tune around and the hallway is basically empty. Is he looks at me deviously.

"So, the little dyke is skipping class huh?" She says lowly. Almost like a growl. "I'm just about to go to class, so If you could please move out of my way." I say trying to shove myself past her.

She grabs my forearm tightly, and she pulls me back in front of her, "now, you aren't going anywhere until I say so."

"Oh- okay, but I have class Enid." I reply. She tugs me by my wrist to the girls bathroom.

"Look, dork, I need you to help me. Do my homework." She demands handing me a stack of papers and books.

"What if I say no?" I say tauntingly.
"Then, I'd have to find some way to..destroy you." She says, pausing for a moment.

"Is that a no then, Wednesday?" She says in a low voice. "I- I'm not going to do your homework" I reply placing the books on the counter beside us.

She looks at me judgtngly. "Come here-" she grabs my face and looks at it. Her hand slides down from my chin to my waist.

What is she thinking?

"Uh- Sinclair." I say in a stern, but still scared tone of voice. "How come I have t seen you this close up?" She whisper timing ahold of my chin again.

"Excuse me?" I back up from her grasp and look at her with shock painting my face.

"Wednesday, correct?" She says walking closer to me. I nod, unable to speak at the proximity between us.

She glances around the bathroom before taking ahold of my chin. She places her left hand on the edge of my chin, and the other on my waist.

She inches her face infinitely closer to mine. I can feel her hot breath against my face. I can smell her strawberry Soda body spray, it's all up close.

I've never been this close with any person before. Why is all my hatred fluttering away? It's like spiders have laid eggs in my stomach and they've just now hatched.

As I stare into her deep, ocean colored eyes, I see the blue orbs flicker down to my lips, then back up to my eyes.

I feel my breath hitch, as she asks me, "can I- uhm, kiss you?" She mutters.

I nod, again, unable to form a coherent sentence. She quickly presses her soft, plump lips against mine in a sweet kiss.

This is probably the best kiss I've ever had. It's actually enjoyable. I can taste her strawberry lipgloss rubbing off onto my lips, as it quickly turns into a make-out session.

She slides her hand down towards my waist and she holsters me up onto the bathroom countertops. I pull back for a breath and I look at her confused, but also in an endearing way. Ugh, what is wrong with me.

"So, do you not hate me anymore, Enid?" I ask cautiously. She scoffs, "stop being stupid. Of course I don't hate you anymore. God-" she starts.

Before she could finish her sentence, I cut her off with another kiss. This kiss was even more Sweet, and passionate than the last.

I feel her instantly relax into my touch as her hands rest against my waist holding me tightly. And as we both pull back I crack a small smile.

"Am I good to go now?" I chuckle as she lets go of my waist. "You may." She responds playfully.

I smile and pick my backpack up from the floor and I sling it over my shoulder, "so, does that mean you can like- not be mean to me in school.." I ask nervously.

She smiles her big toothy grin and replies, "yes Weds."

It feels so nice to be able to write again. I felt so bad leaving this book for even just a week. And again, I am sorry.

And I know some parts of this chapter are rushed a bit but I really wanted to get this out.

Also, the root of the idea came from welovewenclair I highly appreciate all the ideas you give me.

And I'm sorry if it wasn't what you thought it would be I just took what I initially thought when it came to the request.


So this is love? -Wenclair Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now