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If you didn't realize I love writing in Wednesdays POV. I'm sorry if you want Enid but I'm mainly going to be doing no Wednesday.

               Wednesdays POV

I was walking along a gravel path in the woods. It had just recently rained the previous night.

"God Wednesday! I hate you! You're the absolute worst!" That's all I hear..Enid being mad..

She was only mad because I wasn't able to comfort her in whatever way she needed my comfort. That's not my fault. I am not comprehensive when it comes to emotions.

As I'm walking deep in thought I hear a 'meow'. I turn around to face a black cat.

I crouch down besides it, "hey there..where is your owner.." I say softly to the cat. But alas, it won't respond. I knew that..

I do have a liking for cats, they've been in my family for YEARS. Everyone in my amazing family has a cat..

Even Puebert.

I have a cat. But just last month I got news that he had to be put down. He was old, yes. 19 years I think, and he was going blind.

I knew it would come eventually. But..he's just so important to me.. my parents TTS had him before I was born! About 2 years before my birth..I'm 17 now..

I pet the cat's forehead, then I pick it up and cradle it in my arms. "You must be so cold, amor.." I whisper to the cat.

I wonder where their owner is. Such a neglectful person. I wonder if Enid will let me take them home..? I hope she does, this kitten looks so cold..

I take off my hat, and place the small kitten in my hat. I hold them in my arms as I hurriedly walk home, to..Enid.

As soon as I rush in Enid looks at me angrily. "Enid, quit being childish. I have a kitten who is malnourished. I need help. Mainly entertaining it whilst I find the supplies to help it. Do you think you can do that?" I ask a bit worriedly and nervous.

Enid's face lights up in joy. "Yes, yes, yes!!" She shouts, practically screaming.

I nod and hand her my hat which had the kitten sleeping inside. I hear Enid 'aww' and begin to talk about how 'cute and adorable' they are. God she makes me want to throw up my intestinal organs.

I walk into our bathroom and look around. I need shampoo, and conditioner.Since I Enid is an animal, we have plenty of it!

I grab the two bottles and walk back out to Enid. "Enid, I may need some help washing this small cat." I say a bit embarrassed.

I never ask for help. It's not what I do, I'm suppose to be cold and deadpan. Not with Enid though.

I look back to Enid and I see her smile broad fully. I nod and take the cat from her, then I place them
In the sink.

I turn on the warm water and slowly place the cat in. I hear it make small 'meows' and I pour some shampoo on and begin to scrub it into the cats.

Then I rinse and do the same with the conditioner. After their bath, I take it out and wrap it in a towel. And walk to Enid. She does the rest. She clips the cat's nails, grooms the cat, and even puts ointment on the cat's paws.

"Can we keep her?" She asks, "how do you know it's a girl?" I ask, very confused.

"Uh she- she doesn't have the dude parts." She says chuckling a little. I love her laugh.

I just mouth an 'oh'. "Alright then, what shall we name her?" I ask, I'm never good with names. "Hmm how about Luna? It means moon in Spanish!" Enid exclaims. "I like Luna, her name shall be Luna" I say.

Enid smiles and carefully hands me Luna. I nod to her and I lay in my bed with Luna in my arms, holding her in a small embrace. God, I've gone soft.

Then, I hear shuffling and I feel Enid standing the foot of my bed, she has a small pout on her lips. I sigh and motion her to join us in my bed.

Enid slides in and cuddles me. The word 'cuddling' makes me want to rip out my eyes from their sockets.

But, I fall Enid's arms..

That was the best sleep I've gotten in a while.

761 Words

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