Chapter 17: When Things Are Not As They Seem

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Puck was sitting alone and suddenly King Brian the Leprechaun showed up in front of him.

"So I'm assuming yah figured out what yah wanted me to be grantin you." Brian said and Puck nodded.

"I wish for my children to have happy and plentiful lives, and for my daughter Emma and her fiancé James to have a successful marriage within that wish." Puck wished and Brian nodded as he smirked.

"I figured yah would be wantin something regarding your wee bears. Well if that tis all yah wishin for today then may it be so." King Brian said and he slapped his hands together and a spark went off in between them. "This time, since it be your last wish, I made sure to make it happen sooner rather than later. But it will be lastin until yer children die."

"Thank you. It's been a long road." Puck sighed and Brian nodded.

"Have a good life Robin." Brian said this and Puck blinked really hard but tried to hide his pain. Then Brian disappeared into thin air and Puck got to his feet and went to find Sabrina and ran into his son who was about 10 years old and he was playing with Daphne. They were dancing together to music that a fairy was playing from a violin. Puck smiled and he walked over to them.

"Hey, why wasn't I invited to the party?" Puck asked and Daphne let out a laugh.

"I would have but nobody knew where you were for a hot minute." Daphne sighed and Puck nodded.

"I made my last wish." Puck replied and Daphne nodded in approval.

"Emma and James?" Daphne asked and Puck shook his head.

"It was for all of my kids, including Emma and James. James might not be my kid yet, but he's about to be and I'm the only father figure he's gonna have, so I have to consider him one, now don't I?" Puck answered and Daphne was beyond proud of him.

"There's the hero I grew up with." Daphne sighed and Puck realized that Daphne still had nobody. The only two men who ever loved her both died trying to protect her family.

"I should have wished for you." Puck regretted his decision.

"I have everything I could ever need here, and um....a little something on the way." Daphne said this and Puck looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Puck asked.

"Well, I told you we asked Andrum to help Peter and I, well, Mustardseed knew a fairy with really good genes and he uh, he introduced us and even though it started out as business, he seems kind of nice and him and I have been chatting. But, yeah, Im uh....i'm pregnant." Daphne revealed and Puck's mouth dropped.

"Who is this fairy?" Puck asked in concern.

"He's not famous or anything. I don't even know if you know him. He's a fae from Scotland." Daphne explained and Puck frowned.

"The fae's used to be our enemies Daphne. Who is it?" Puck snapped and Daphne giggled.

"He's Moth's cousin, Aster." Daphne revealed and Puck looked confused.

"Last time I saw Aster he was like 3." Puck pointed out and Daphne giggled.

"I can assure you he isn't anymore. He also hasn't lived in Scotland for over 2000 years, so I assume he's pretty safe. In the beginning I just wanted a baby, and I thought it didn't work, so I sacrificed everything. But apparently it did." Daphne replied and Puck realized something and got slightly mad.

"When did you figure out you were pregnant? If it was from a fairy you would have known within days. You would have felt it and it probably would have made you pretty weak." Puck asked and Daphne shrugged.

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