Chapter 20: Hello Lieblings

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"Hello Lieblings." The calm voice of Granny Relda sighed but the reality hit Puck that his daughter was dead and he felt a pain fill his chest that he couldn't bare. He got to his knees by Allison and pulled her into his arms and looked to Emma.

"What was she sick from?" Puck cried and Emma got down in front of him and put her hand on his shoulder in support.

"She was healing a bunch of people in a hospital a few weeks ago and didn't know she had an open wound. The doctor gave her 2 weeks to live three days ago. It was the pneumonic plague and she didn't catch it in time to be treated." Emma explained and Puck felt terrible for his daughter. Relda went over to Puck and got down on her knees slowly.

"Liebling." Relda sighed and Puck looked to her as tears started flowing out of his eyes.

"You never got to meet her." Puck cried and Relda nodded.

"That's alright. I will one day." Relda responded.

"It's nice to have you back. Really, I'm ecstatic, but, I," Puck began to say and then he broke down for the loss of his child.

"I know Liebling. I know." Relda sighed and Relda wrapped her arms around him. Daphne walked over to April and hugged her.

"It's gonna be ok." Daphne cried and April pushed Daphne off of her very roughly.

"April Relda Grimm!" Trevor shouted as he went over to her. Daphne felt terrible for April but April was beyond upset and then April took it out on the wrong person. She looked to Emma as she was furious.

"WHY DID YOU LET MY MOM DIE!?" April screamed and Emma shook her head.

"She was gonna die anyways." Emma responded.

"NO! I could have healed her!" April shouted and Emma shook her head.

"No you couldn't have. You would have gotten sick too. Fairies don't get sick from much, but that's one thing we can't avoid." Emma educated her niece and Relda looked taken back as she watched Emma in person. It was different than keeping an eye on her in spirit form. April took a minute to think and then she looked like she was ready to break down and Trevor hugged her.

"I didn't even say goodbye properly. I thought she would be ok." April cried and Emma nodded at Trevor.

"I can help with that." Emma offered and April walked over to her with Trevor and Emma grabbed her hands gently. "Your Mom is right by you. Talk to her, and I'll tell you what she says."

"Mommy, I don't want you to go." April cried and Emma looked to the spirit of her sister and then nodded.

"Your Mom says that she knows that this is hard but she'll always be looking out for you." Emma said and April nodded.

"Who's gonna take care of me now with Dad?" April asked and Emma looked to Allison's spirit and then she nodded.

"Your Mom says that some of the best and strongest people are still here to take care of you." Emma sighed and then she turned to her sisters spirit. "Well I paraphrased because I'm not tooting my own horn, she's gonna think I made it up." Emma argued and Puck let go of Allison's body and got to his feet as he slightly smiled. He was finally seeing how beautiful his daughters powers were. Anytime he wanted to talk to Allison he just needed to ask Emma. Allison wasn't completely gone. There was just a barrier between them. Same with anybody who had ever died that they cared about. So even in death Allison would never be alone. Then Allison said something that made Emma slightly mad. "Yes I KNOW it's my job to do this but I'm not talking that highly of myself just because you said so. She's not gonna believe it!" Emma shouted at Allison and then she shook her head and crossed her arms. "Ok, I'm gonna allow your spirit form to speak to your daughter directly. You've got 5 minutes because it's a massive stretch of my power." Emma snapped and then used her hands a formed some type of energy and then a blue glowing form of Allison's spirit formed and Puck was in awe.

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