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"He what?!" Misty screamed. "That bastard-!" She slammed her cup of water on Luciens desk. Ciel and Joshua comforting Lucien. Volker immediately rushed in, slamming into the doorway, panting. "CERBERUS IS GONE?!" Volker yelled. "Lucifer has him." Ciel said, looking pissed off. "Where- fuck- i want him back!" Volker said, not knowing what to say. "We're working on it dear, Lucifer is the king of the underworld." Misty said softly, looking at Volker. Lucien was devastated, his hair had grown longer due to crying. He stood up, looking enraged. "I'm going to get him back. Ciel, grab your gun." Lucien said, Ciel nodding and leaving the room. "Lucien, its gonna be hard to get through to Lucifer." Misty said. "I don't care. Cerberus isnt a fucking soldier anymore! Hes not Lucifers to own!" Lucien yelled, Misty stayed silent and nodded.

Ciel had come back with his handgun on his belt, Misty opened a portal below her, everyone stepping into it, it was like a pond of water, on the other side was a large, dark building. Everyone walked to the entrance, there was a large barbed wire gate, making you press a button to open the gate. A guard was waiting at the entrance to let the group in and leading them to a room where Lucifer stood, looking at a glass wall. "Lucifer-!" Lucien growled. "I knew you'd all come, especially you, Misty." Lucifer said, glaring at Misty. "Cut the shit, where is he?" Misty said angrily, the tips of her hair turning to boiling water. "Behind this glass, last time he was seen, he was a different body. Theres something off about him we've never seen." Lucifer said. "That doesnt mean you take him against his will!!" Lucien screamed. Lucifer sighed, tapping the glass twice, it untinted itself, showing Cerberus laying unconscious on an operating table, hooked up with multiple IVs and a bunch of people studying him. Everyone except Lucifer looked mortified, Volker covered his mouth, looking almost sad. Lucien gasped, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!" "It's just tests." Lucifer said. Lucien grabbed him, his eyes glowing gold. Someone quietly walked into the room, it was Dr. Farcry, the doctor of all of the royals, the person who was taking care of Cerberus. "Oh- im intruding. Uh-" Katelyn Farcry said. "Katelyn! Please tell Lucifer hes wrong-!" Lucien cried. Katelyn smiled warmly, "well, atleast someone agrees with me. Lucifer, his body is becoming almost numb to anesthesia, hes gonna wake up again.." Katelyn said, looking concerned. "Increase it higher." Lucifer said. "We already have- i-" katelyn was interrupted, "increase it more then." Lucifer said. "But thats unhealthy for a regular human body." Katelyn said. "I said, INCREASE IT." Lucifer demanded. Katelyn looked annoyed, leaving the room. Suddenly, Cerberus' eyes shot open, he gasped loudly, everyone looked out the window, seeing him look around. His heartrate increased, the people in the room freaking out. Katelyn rushed into the room Cerberus was in, glaring back at Lucifer. Lucien banged his fist on the glass, screaming, "LET HIM OUT-!!" Lucifer grabbed Lucien and shoved him away from the glass. Misty grabbed Lucifer and the two started yelling at each other. Lucien's leg came undone and he fell over, Joshua and Ciel rushing over to him. Everyone heard Cerberus scream, standing up and knocking everything over as he stood up, ripping the ivs from his skin, his skin started to blacken as he freaked out more, everyone froze, watching him. He went to the glass and alarms began to ring, he punched the glass and it cracked, Lucifer left the room quickly as the glass crackled off, making a hole in the glass.
The lights when out.
Once they came back on, Cerberus was gone, the front door wide open, Lucien adjusted his leg and rushed outside, calling for Cerberus. He went back in, noticing Lucifer had come back into the room. "Great-! You just had to fuck up everything!!!" Lucifer yelled at Misty, Misty's hair boiled and she was about to scream at Lucifer right as Lucien punched Lucifer straight in the face, making him fall over. Everyone looked shocked, Joshua said, "HELL YEAH LUCIEN!!!" Lucifer grabbed Lucien's ankle, making his leg pull off, Lucien fell and began throwing punches while ontop of Lucifer. He screamed in anger, his hair growing longer. Misty pulled Lucien off of Lucifer, everyone disappearing through her portal back in Lucien's office. Lucien fell down and began sobbing, holding his head in his hands.

Lucien got into his bed, his eyes stained with tears from today. He tried closing his eyes to sleep, and suddenly heard the front door open. He got up quickly, trying to put his leg on, panicking. He finally got it on and someone opened the door, Lucien looked over, seeing Cerberus standing there, his face voided over. "C-Cerberus.?" Lucien said softly. Cerberus unvoided his face and rushed over to Lucien, hugging him tightly. "Did he hurt you?" Cerberus asked, holding Lucien, Lucien began to sob, "Did he hurt you??" Lucien cried. "No!" Cerberus said, smiling as he kissed Lucien. Lucien smiled and kissed his forehead. "Did he touch you?" Cerberus asked, "I punched him, he pulled my leg off..." Lucien mumbled, crying more. The smile faded from Cerberus' face, he said softly, "shall I kill him?" Lucien looked concerned, "n-no..hes a royal its impossible..." Lucien said. Cerberus nodded and kissed Lucien's forehead, the two laid in bed together, cuddling closely.

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