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Cerberus and Volker had tied up Michael, taking him to Ciel's office in the morning of the next day. Ciel having to walk in and see the three waiting for him. "What. the. fuck." Ciel said. "What have you two fucking done?!" Ciel yelled, closing his office door. "He almost assaulted Lucien! We took care of him!" Volker said, motioning to Michael who was awake tied with duct tape, along with duct tape over his mouth. "THIS IS FUCKING KIDNAPPING! HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT MICHAEL ANYWAYS?!" Ciel screamed. "Lucien was getting a call from him." Cerberus said. "*sigh* sometimes you need to stay out of things like this." Ciel said, pulling out his phone. "Im calling the police to turn him in, you're lucky im not pressing charges." "Hey! Be grateful he didnt harm Lucien! He put his hands on him!!" Volker said. Ciel froze, putting his phone down, looking at Michael. "Did he?" Ciel said. "Hm, you two are excused." Ciel said, closing the curtains to his office, Volker and Cerberus leaving the room. "I think Ciel's gonna kill him.." Volker mumbled. "He seems nice though.." Cerberus said. "Not after this, hes piiiissed we got into this.." Volker said, sighing. Cerberus noticed Lucien heading to his office, "Lucien-!" He said, getting Lucien's attention. "How are you today? We left Michael to Ciel." Cerberus said, extra talkative. "To- Ciel?" Lucien said, looking concerned. "Hes gonna get torn up..." Lucien said under his breath about Michael. "Thank you..for that.." Lucien said, smiling at Cerberus and Volker. "Soo, you gonna go out with Cerberus?" Volker asked, Cerberus looked embarrassed, glaring at Volker. Lucien smiled and said, "he can stay with me today if he likes, i think i feel safer since Michael's in the same building." Cerberus looked at Lucien, a bit shocked. Volker nodded and smiled. "Alright then, cya later Cerby." Volker said, walking out.

Cerberus and Lucien went to Lucien's office, Lucien shutting the door behind him. "Now, Cerberus, if you tell me about the fact that you DID get shot and somehow lived, ill tell you about Michael." Lucien said, sounding firm. Cerberus sat down, looking nervous. "I have your dog tag." Lucien said, showing Cerberus his dog tag, Cerberus looked uncomfortable. "I..I died...and i came back..something..different..." Cerberus muttered, Lucien nodding and sitting at his desk. "I understand, with you becoming different, you...regenerate?" Lucien asked. "I...cant...die." Cerberus mumbled, looking at the floor. Lucien nodded, "I apologize if you dislike talking about it, we can stop now." He said. "I don't know anything else about what I am..." Cerberus said. "Thats okay." Lucien said, smiling warmly, Cerberus looked at him, nodding. "Well, Michael was my ex of course, he abused me, treated me like shit..but uhm..." Lucien stopped, mumbling, "he uhm..assaulted me..." Cerberus froze, rage growing in his chest, "...what." He said. "Yeah, i broke it off with him, but he thinks we're still together." Lucien said, sighing. "I doubt I'll see him ever again since Ciel has his hands on him. So thats nice to know." He said, smiling at Cerberus. He nodded quietly and Lucien spoke again, "Anyways, i believe i can take you up on that offer to go out." Cerberus' face lit up immediately, he nodded. "Is tomorrow good for you?" Lucien said, smiling. "Yes, at Gary's bar?" Cerberus said. "That'd be lovely." Lucien responded. Cerberus nodded and left the room. Lucien sighed, shuddering at the thought of seeing Cerberus get shot in the head.

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