Lost and Found

66 3 1

No Pov:

The island of Fyre

An island filled with mimics.

A species known for wanting to be strong and powerful but not maternal and loving towards young.

Their rulers were King Chameleon and Queen Mirage

The two ruled with an iron fist.

They had three children Oasis, chrysalis and illusion.

The parents were ruthless and unloving even to their own children, especially illusion.

Illusion didn't look like her parents at all.Her parents had red and as well as darker red horns while Illusion had fluffy blonde hair and black horns.Her parents had fully black eyes while illusion had red eyes.

Even their tails looked different, Illusion had a long orange tail with a white tip and teal bead,Like a fox.

Her parents had white sickly looking skin while illusion had pale ivory coloured skin, and the final thing that kept her apart was that she was weak.

At every test of strength she failed.

Her siblings surpassed in the test.achieving with flying colours.

And that is when her parents decided to get rid of her.

The young five year old was bringing shame to the royal family.

Illusions siblings and Friends at her age could do far stronger magic.

Thorns walked through the portal dragging the five year old behind her.

The female mimcs colours shining duly in the moonlight.

Thorns shoved the five year near a cliff wall causing her to fall over.

"stay here brat"She said harshly as Tears began to  wealed in the child's eyes.

"mama I'm sorry what did I do"The child sobbed as she hugged her mother's leg.

"off now"She yelled as she picked the child off."you are to stay here you disappointment of a Mimic,you have brought shame apon our family and shame apon all mimic kind"thorns snarled as she walked back through the portal.

Thorns disappeared as the light of the portal Faded the child was left in darkness.

Illusion sobbed sadly against the walls rough surface.


Eda walked through the forest of the boiling isles.

There has been a long day of scamming and selling for her in the market.

She held her staff with her trusted palisman owlbert in her hand.

Her ears twitched as she heard something,It sounded like crying.

Eda walked towards the sound, holding her staff just in case she had to defend herself.

She pulled the bushes back revealing the small body of a young girl.

"A kid?"Eda said to herself confused.

The girls eyes widened at the voice and she spun around and hissed at Eda.

"Go away"The girl hissed, looking like an angry kitten.

"Hey it's ok"Eda said putting her staff down onto the floor and holding her hands up while getting down on one knee.

"What's your name?"Eda asked getting down to the girls level.

"illusion"She said shakily.

"What are you doing all the way out here?,where are your parents?"Eda asked.

"My mama left me here"Illusion said as tears fell down her cheeks.

Eda's heart broke as she looked at the small girl.

"Why don't you come with me kid, I'll give you something warm to eat and some warmer clothes ok"Eda smiled holding our her hand to illusion.

Illusion hesitated for a second before taking Eda's hand and following her.

Soon enough they reached the house.

Illusion's eyes widened at the house and her small tail wagged.

"You live here?"illusion asked.

"Yep"Eda smiled as she walked to the door.

"Hoot hoot who's this Eda?"

Illusion squeaked and hid behind Eda as hooty's face appeared Infront of her.

"Hooty don't terrify the poor kid"Eda said as she opened the door.

Illusion stepped inside the house and looked around,her tiny feet tapping against the floor.

"I'll make you something to eat "Eda said as she walked over to the kitchen.

"Who was that?"Illusion asked.

"That's just hooty my security system"Eda said as she cooked something.

"Do you live alone?"Illusion asked Curiously.

"Yeah,well I've got owlbert and hooty"Eda smiled.

"Owlbert?"Illusion asked confused.

"Owlbert is my palisman "Eda said pointing at her staff as she cooked.

Illusion looked at the staff and squeaked as it turned gold and the owl at the top detached.

"Hi?"Illusion stuttered confused.

The small owl hovered Infront of her and hooted softly while nuzzling against her.

"Hey that tickles"Illusion giggled.

Eda smiled softly at the scene before going back to finishing her and Illusion's food.

"Really,that sounds so cool"

Eda raised an eyebrow.

There was no voice that was talking to illusion it wasn't her or hooty.

"Who are you talking to kid?"Eda asked as she began to dish up food.

"Owlbert "Illusion responded.

"You can talk to owlbert?"Eda asked confused carrying the plates.

"Yeah,he said you have taken him to some cool places before"Illusion smiled.

Eda was confused,she thought only a witch could talk to their palisman.

She smiled and ruffled Illusion's hair causing her to giggle.

"You're a interesting one kid"Eda said as she gave Illusion her plate.

The two began to eat and talk as owlbert sat Illusion's head.

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