sick and learning

48 3 0

No Pov:

Illusion groaned as she woke up.

Her head was pounding as she sat up in bed.

She sneezed and shivered slightly.

"Morning kid are you-"Eda said as she opened the door before stopping mid sentence and seeing illusion pale and shivering.

"Good you don't look so good"Eda said sitting on Illusion's bed and feeling her forehead.

Eda could feel the warm skin against the back of her head, despite Illusion's shivering.

"Ok, you are definitely not going into school today"Eda said as she looked at the thirteen year old.

"But I -"

"No buts, geez kid no one wants to go into school that bad."Eda giggled as she ruffled Illusion's hair.

The girl rolled her eyes but smiled as Eda got up and turned the light off.

"Now sleep and get better,I'll make a cure for you"Eda smiled.

King ran between Eda's legs and immediately curled up Illusion's chest.

"King demands to stay with Lulu too"the little furred demon said as the two swiftly fell asleep.

Eda smiled and closed the door and headed downstairs and grabbing a book off the shelf.

"Ok,fever cure"Eda muttered to herself as her eyes scanned the pages.

Soon enough she found the page.

"Aha!"Eda smiled as she read the page.

"Ok ok,I need fire bee honey,Porcswine spikes and the petals of a clematis flower "Eda hummed as she grabbed the ingredients off the shelves.

She had everything,apart from Porcswine spikes.

"Hmm,well there is a burrow nearby,I might be able to find some there"Eda said as she grabbed her staff.

She opened the main door to the owl house as hooty stretched himself to Eda.

"Where are you going Eda?"Hooty asked.

"To get Porcswine spikes hooty,now while I'm gone you need to make sure Illusion doesn't leave,she's too sick,now I'll be back in two hours,three depending."Eda said before leaving.

"You can count on me Eda hoot hoot"hooty said before returning to his place in the door.

Eda walked through the woods checking for the burrow.

Soon enough she saw a large cave that was definitely the sort of place a Porcswine would live in.

"Bingo"Eda said as she entered the cave.

The stone walls were filled with large claw marks.

She held her staff ready for anything as she moved towards the nest.

It was large,big enough to fit two slitherbeasts.

Eda shivered and saw the discarded quils.

"Perfect,now I'll grab this and get back to the owl house."

As Eda reached down to grab the dark brown quils she heard a hiss and slowly turned around.

She was faced with the drooling face of a Porcswine.

It was a Earthy brown colour with large horns and a face which was the mix of a porcupine and a boar.

It snarled and tried to bite Eda with it's sharp teeth.

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