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An: I'm thinking of reusing trick for something else because I'm very attached to her and noodle 😭,I am thinking of redesigning her also.

Also guess who Illusion is meeting next!

No Pov:

Hunter woke up to the sounds of movement.

He opened one eye to see illusion digging in her hair for something.

He could see the fire was nothing but small embers and burnt twigs.

"Aha!"She said as she pulled a tin of food out of her hair and a pan.

"Breakfast is served"Illusion smiled as she began cooking.

"I'm not eating your hair food!"Hunter said pointing at cooking soup.

"It's either this or Starve "Illusion said shrugging"besides they are fresh,I brought it the other day "

Hunter rolled his eyes as illusion gave him a serving in a small bowl.

He sipped it and licked his lips at the taste.

It was delicious and warm.

"What is this?"He asked as she ate his serving quickly.

"It's vegetable soup."Illusion smiled as noodle and flapjack sat on her head.

Hunter finished his bowl and put it down Infront of him.

"So where do we go now?"hunter asked.

Illusion thought for a second as her wings twitched.

"Well if we keep going south,we should reach bonesborough,I can get home and you can go back to the Emperor's Coven."Illusion said.

Hunter looked down sadly,for some reason he felt,hurt.

"Fine,but we should probably get moving if we want to get there by sundown"Hunter said.

Illusion nodded and got up as she kicked dirt over the fire and put the stuff back in her hair after cleaning it.

"How do you do that?"Hunter asked confused.

Illusion shrugged as she walked,her wings folded against her back.

The kept walking as they chatted.

"So you were the one that destroyed that part of the conformatorium"Hunter laughed.

"Yep,warden wrath didn't see it coming"Illusion said laughing.

Noodle floated next to her as flapjack sat on her shoulder.

"Lilith told me when she went to go check what was going on that he was completely pink"Hunter laughed wiping a tear from his eyes.

Illusion giggled and gave Hunter a playful smirk.

"See, your aren't as uptight as I thought you were Goldie "Illusion giggled.

Hunter rolled his eyes and giggled.

The two kept walking untill they reached a cliff edge, underneath only probably a two hour walk away.

"There's bonesborough!"Illusion smiled her tail wagging.

Hunter looked down.

He could let illusion leave and face the punishment or take her In now and take her to the Emperor's Coven.

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