what did you do!

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I updated Illusion's ref and palisman,feel free to check it out! enjoy this chapter 

Illusion's pov:

"Get back here!"

I ran from the golden armoured cladded boy.

"Can't catch me"I smirked as I ran,Noodle Shapeshifted into a dragon cat and sat on my head.

"Can't catch me"I smirked as I ran,Noodle Shapeshifted into a dragon cat and sat on my head

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He chased me and sent a blast of red magic from his weird staff.

I climbed up a small hill and looked down at him from the top.

I blew a raspberry at the golden guard as noodle giggled from my head.

"Fox lady,come here at once or I'll take you in by force"He said.

He sounded young, probably my age.

"Or what"I smirked"gonna hit me over the head with your staff"

He groaned under his mask and rubbed his forehead over the mask.

"Awww poor wittle golden guard can't climb the hill to get me"I said in a mocking baby voice.

I could tell her was glaring at me.

"That's it!"He growled and began to climb towards me.

I ran towards the forest as I heard him get to the top and chase me.

"Get back here!"He yelled as she chased me.

I poked my tounge out at the golden guard and kept running.

"Can't get me Goldilocks."

I zigzagged through the trees as he sent another blast of magic my way.

Noodle was nestled safely in my hair as I kept running,he was in his normal form. 

No Pov:

Illusion kept running as the Golden guard ran up behind her and pounced on her.

Illusion squeaked as the guard prepared to hit her over the head with the staff but Illusion blocked it with her hands.

The golden guard pressed the staff towards her as Illusion tried to stop him.

"You are coming with me for your crimes against the emperor fox girl"He said.

"Never"Illusion hissed as she kicked hunter with her legs.

The golden guard let out a gasp as the wind was knocked out of him.

He quickly got up again and began to hit illusion with his staff.

Illusion summoned her own staff with noodle on the end of it.

They clashed and illusion hit the golden guard before trying to flee.

She got her staff and as she started to fly away the golden guard pounced on her again.

"Hey get off!"Illusion yelled as the two shot up.

"you're a wanted criminal, I'm not letting you go"The golden guard hissed.

The screamed as they shot up and sideways as the fell towards the ground.

Illusion yelped as she fell towards the ground.

She hit a few branches but landed in a bush.

Noodle turned to his live form as he floated towards his owner.

Nuzzling her awake.

"Where are we?"Illusion said as noodle sat on her head.

Suddenly a confused scream sounded and illusion was faced with a blonde male,the same age as her.

His skin was fair and his hair was a pale blonde,he had magenta eyes and a tooth gap.

He glared at illusion as illusion hissed.

"What did you do!"He screamed as he held his broken staff.

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