Stuck together

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An:also noodle will be going by She/He/They pronouns, just to prevent any confusion.

No Pov:

Illusion growled.

"What did I do!"Illusion hissed"this is your fault!"

The male narrowed his eyes at Illusion and held the broken parts of his staff.

"Well now we're stuck here"The golden guard snapped at illusion.

"Well you're stuck here,I can just fly away"Illusion snapped and smirked.

Noodle floated next to her as Illusion held her hand out waiting for noodle to turn into his staff form.

But the palisman didn't.

"Noodle,staff form"Illusion said Smirking,but noodle didn't.

"Oh come on seriously"Illusion said to palisman who smiled and hissed a response.

"What do you mean I have to help him"Illusion said crossing her arms as the palisman floated up and sat on her head.

Illusion grumbled something and turned to face the golden guard.

"Noodle isn't going to help me unless it's a dire situation which means"Illusion growled"I'm stuck with you."

The golden guard smirked.

"Oh and what was that about flying away"he Smirked.

Illusion hissed and used her tail to trip him up causing him to trip and land on his back.

"Hey!"the golden guard hissed

He spotted his mask and made a grab for it but Illusion used her magic to grab it.

"Nope"Illusion said as she put the mask in her hair confusing the other blonde.

Illusion made her scroll appear and began to scroll through her contacts to find her mom's number.

"What's that?"The golden guard asked,peering over Illusion's shoulder.

"None of your business"Illusion hissed as she began to call her mom.

The scroll rang for a few minutes before the call ended.

"She must be busy"Illusion said to herself as she made the  scroll disappear.

"The owl lady seems very unreliable"The golden guard said crossing his arms.

"My mom is very reliable, she'll come looking for me once she realizes I'm missing"illusion said rolling her eyes before looking at the sky,the sun was setting and it would be dark soon.

"Come on, it's getting dark and the forest isn't safe at night and it gets  really cold"Illusion said as she began walking.

The golden guard rolled his eyes as he followed Illusion.

"So what exactly are you?"The golden guard asked the ruby eyed girl.

"no clue"Illusion shrugged "Eda Adopted me when I was young."

The golden guard's eyes searched the girls appearance,he was curious of her.

She didn't look like a regular witch at all.

She had a long tail that was fox like in appearance.

She had fluffy ears that twitched when hearing sounds and long horns above her head.

"So what's your name Goldilocks."Illusion smirked"my name is Illusion"

"I'm Not telling you that,as the Emperor's right hand I don't swap pleasantries with wild witches"The golden guard said.

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