a lying witch,mimic and a warden part 2

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No Pov:

The group stood outside the Conformatorium.

"The Conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society."Eda said.

Luz Notices Eda's and Illusion's wanted posters on the wall they're hiding behind.

"Whoa. These guys really have the hots for you."Luz said.

"Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery."Illusion smirked.

"Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella. Aah!"King said before Falling off of Luz's head.

"You, Illusion and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown."King said.

"And I'm gonna make sure the warden's distracted."Eda said.

Luz gasps

"Will I need a disguise?"she asked smiling.

"Uh..."Illusion and Eda said.

"I've been waiting to use this. "

Luz Pulls her hood on, flicks up cat ears.

"Meow, meow."

" It's hideous."King said.

" Oh, you'll fit right in."Eda said.

Eda taps the butt of her staff against the ground, creating a round glowing platform. She steps away from it.

Illusion spread out her red wings and took off into the air.

The bird and snake following her.

" Hang on tight."Eda said.


The platform rises, floating all the way up to a window in the tower.

 It disappears suddenly, forcing Luz to grab the edge of the window sill and King to cling to her feet. Eda, meanwhile, tosses her staff and casually sits down on it as it rises.

Illusion flew in and landed next to Luz.

"Meet you guys at the top of the tower."Eda smiled before flying away.

King grunts as he climbs up Luz and into the window. Also grunting, Luz pulls herself up and in, falling on her face.

"Ha-ha! Cat's don't do that."King laughed.

Luz sits up and gasps. The two of them marvel at the amount of prison cells before them, all of them occupied by shadowy beasts of varying shapes and sizes, though all of their eyes glow in the light.

"Hey, cat lady, how'd you get out of your cell?"A voice asked.

"Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a cat."luz said to the blue haired girl as she Pulls her hood down."Also, I'm not a criminal."

"Not yet, you're not."Illusion winked.

"Neither are we. The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in. Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. "She Pulls out a book of said fanfiction."I like food, I like love... Just let me write about it."

" I'm here because I like eating my own eyes. "Another one said before he Plucks an eye out of his head as he says this, swallowing it. The eye floats back into place.

"We are agents of fwee expwession! They will never siwence us!"A small girl said.

"Yeah, she's really big into conspiracy theories."The vampire girl said.

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