Bonding by staff

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An:Noodle is based on my irl snake,that's why they look like stringbean.

Illusion's pov:

I woke up and stretched out as my tail twitched.

It was a warm morning which was nice.

My wings folded against my back as I got dressed and washed my face before heading downstairs.

I saw my mom looking frazzled as she ran around the house.

"Ok, breakfast is on the table and I'll be back later tonight"She said grabbing her staff.

"Where are you going?"I asked confused.

"Oh just somewhere,gotta dash byeee"She said quickly as she ran out the house.

Usually when she acted like that,it could only mean one thing.

I rushed to the door and saw two figures on staffs.

They landed and the hawk staff turned into a hawk palisman while the yellow cardinal also materialized.

"grandma, grandpa!"I smiled as I hugged my Adoptive grandparents.

"Oh hello sweet cub"Grandma Gwendolyn smiled as she hugged back.

"you're definitely bigger than the last time we saw you."Grandpa Dell said.

"You saw me two weeks ago"I giggled as grandma ruffled my hair"please come in"

I let them into the house and they sat down on the sofa.

Hawksley chirped happily as I petted his head along with The yellow cardinal palisman named Azelo.

"I'm sorry mama couldn't be here,she told me she was busy"I said as I brought over tea.

Grandpa Dell looked hurt but Gwendolyn held his hand reassuringly.

"It's fine fact we are here to give something to you"Grandma smiled.

I tilted my head Curiously.

"For me?"I asked.

Grandpa Dell brought something out of his bag and handed me a box with shaky hands.

I twinged slightly although not noticeable at the scars.

I was told that my mom's curse did that to him,I remember the talons scraping against my back as I had been caught in-between mom after transforming and me coming home from school.

"What's this?"I asked Curiously.

"Open it"Grandpa smiled as his palisman,sat on his shoulder tilting his head Curiously.

I opened the box and there was a lump of blueish green wood.

"Is that?"I asked Curiously.

"It's palistrom wood,as I can no longer carve I thought it would be nice,if you carved your palisman"Grandpa smiled.

I looked at the wood in shock as grandpa handed me a carver.

"Are you ready?"grandma smiled.

I gently took the carver and began working on the wood.

I carved and carved until a wooden snake was in my lap,it was orange,with a purple orb on its tail and purple eyes

I carved and carved until a wooden snake was in my lap,it was orange,with a purple orb on its tail and purple eyes

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"Why isn't it moving?"I asked Curiously.

"You have to announce by expressing their truest and deepest wish to them,a palisman can only bond if it senses that"Grandpa said.

I looked at the little wooden snake and held it close.

"I want to help my mom and find someone else like me,I want to become a good witch like my mom,I want to be understood."I said to the little wooden snake.

The little snake began to glow purple and came to life.

It's eyes slowly opened to reveal beautiful purple eyes.

It hissed happily and I smiled.

"Is that your name?"I asked as the snake nuzzled me.

"Hello Noodle, I'm Illusion"I smiled at the snake.

The snake floated onto my shoulders and nuzzled me as I hugged by grandparents.

"Thank you"

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