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THE living room light had flickered all night. I turned it off last night once I went upstairs to sleep.

I had prayed that the issue would resolve itself in the morning because I didn't feel like dealing with it at the moment.

Unfortunately, it didn't though. Considering how it was incessantly flickering at the moment, it wasn't going to fix itself anytime soon.

"I guess I should call Ruben," My mom sighed, picking up the house phone that was resting on the coffee table.

Her blonde hair had rollers in it, and she was still in her pajamas since it was six in the morning and she didn't have work today.

I moved my unbrushed hair behind my shoulders, bending down to lift up my backpack that was by the front door.

Weston was outside waiting for me since she was taking me to school. It was random that she had offered to take me to school at six in the morning.

Obviously, I wouldn't decline the offer. Driving took a lot of effort anyways. That was the reason I rode the bus a lot to school.

Since I had to wake up early this morning to not miss my ride, I didn't exactly have time for anything.

My outfit consisted of gray sweatpants, a black tank top, and house shoes. Usually I put in more effort for school, but senioritis has gotten me a year early.

I hadn't even combed through my hair yet. There wasn't really a need since it was already sleek and straight, but brushing my hair was something I had done every morning.

At least it would only be noticeable that a brush hadn't been used if someone ran their hands through my hair.

"Okay, well I have to leave." I stated, unlocking the house door but not stepping out yet.

"Alright, bye."

It was only six in the morning.

Usually, I wouldn't be leaving the house until a whole entire hour later. It surprised me more at the fact that my mom wasn't questioning why I was leaving early.

It was unusual.

I furrowed my brows while I stood still for a whole minute. Silently, I was waiting to see if she would say anything to me.

"I'm leaving." I repeated, twisting the doorknob but not leaving yet. My gaze still focused on my mom to read her facial expressions.

"Okay." She held the phone up to her ear, left arm resting across her stomach as she waited for Mr Ruben to pick up the phone.

"Bye mom."

My mom still didn't answer me once she began talking on the phone. "I know it's early, Ruben, but I was wondering if you could come over any time soon to fix this light. It's been flickering all morning and all last night."

Somehow, she had completely forgotten about me.

I could've just walked out the house and not say anything to her, but it felt weird how she wasn't saying a word to me.

If she didn't have something to complain about, she would one hundred percent find something to.

That's why I was so surprised yet concerned that she hadn't said anything to me. It was peaceful but the peace drove me insane since I wasn't use to it.

I loved it, but it wasn't normal to me so I began to hate it

"I love you mom." I announced, opening the door as I started to head outside.

From my peripheral vision, I saw her head turn as she looked my way, blue eyes softening. "I love you too, Layla Marie."

A smile touched my lips, a feeling of content washing over me since she had finally acknowledged my being. I closed the door behind me, locking it after.

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