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THE fight from yesterday was recorded and posted somewhere on instagram. Most of the school had seen it considering the people I knew of who were in the comment section.

Sure enough, they did fight during class change. It was clear that Brooklyn felt personally victimized by the issue surrounding Asra's car. An argument happened which then escalated to the altercation.

Kade was front in center, not breaking up the fight. He watched it happen with his arms crossed, having to push one girl away when she tried to get in the fight too. Another girl tried it, to which Kade grabbed her hair and pulled her back.

It was then when a few teachers and administrators came over that the video had ended. It only lasted for a few minutes and ended soon after.

I heard someone clear their throat beside me. Looking up, I saw my U.S history teacher standing beside me with his hand held out.

Sighing, I turned my phone off and put it in his hand. He snatched it and walked back over to his desk to continue with the lesson plan for today. "You can get it from the office at the end of the day."

I sat up straighter in my desk, wanting to get this class over with already. I had barely been in here for an hour.

"Since you have enough time to be on your phone, I assume you had enough time to go over unit 1 last night," He opened his drawer and threw my phone inside, closing it afterwards. He then walked back to the whiteboard at the front of the room. "What treaty ended the revolutionary war?"

"You're asking me?"

"I am," He nodded his head. "Are you going to answer?"

I lifted my shoulders, answering his question with a question. "The Treaty of Paris?"

My teacher was visibly surprised, not expecting that from me. Partially because I always answered his questions with I don't know, and partially because he thought I was stupid.

I really wasn't. I just never applied myself.

"The state test is in December." He continued, brushing off the fact that I had gotten his question right. "You have to pass U.S history or you will not be able to graduate. Junior year is important."

I sighed again. Just two more weeks until Thanksgiving break.


The football game ended in another loss for us. I wasn't sure if it was because the coach was actually bad like the players had been saying, or if it was because we truly sucked and were on a losing streak.

32-7 was an insane score that should never go down in the books.

I stood outside of the gate where the football players had walked out a few minutes ago, wearing my LA chargers jersey to match the theme tonight.

It wasn't hard for me to find it since it was the only jersey I owned. I barely watched football, but my dad was a heavy fan of the chargers which meant that I was a fan too.

Weston didn't stay for the whole game tonight, leaving halfway through to hit the batting cages with her softball friends. She had told me that she would be here after the game to pick me up, but I was still standing here with her nowhere in sight.

I turned my head to look over, seeing Devin and Easton walk over. Most of the players had already changed and were in their cars that were parked in the parking lot.

Usually there was always sometime of hangout or gathering after Friday night football. It never mattered if we lost or not.

Had it did, there would be barely be any parties this year since we lost pretty much every single one.

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