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"ONE verse that sticks out to me the most is Song of Solomon 8 verse 4."

The youth group leader looked behind her for a moment, glancing at the screen as the verse showed up. She turned to look back at us while she read it out loud, the microphone below her lips.

"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right."

"You shouldn't rush love or desperately search for it." She continued, explaining the verse. "Love is patient and pure. It will find you in the most unexpected times and places when you trust in the Lord's timing."

"And if it fails, it wasn't love." Kade voiced from his seat. He was sitting on the other side of Asra, his blue Bible resting in his lap.

He wore a simple button down shirt with a belt and dress pants. His curly hair was washed and curled nicely, fitting well with his haircut.

Asra was beside him, sitting in the middle of us. She wore a sage green church dress with sandals. Her long, curly hair was resting down her shoulders, touching her waist. A pink Bible rested in her lap.

The youth leader smiled at Kade's response. "And what Bible verse is that from?"

"1 Corinthians 13, verses 4 through 8." Kade answered without even opening his Bible up.

"Someone's been reading their Bible."

"I read that verse every time I get broken up with."

A few laughs were heard from the back of the room, and from the surrounding people beside us as we sat in the chairs. The youth leader offered another smile, continuing on with more teachings.

I was considered new in the youth group since I usually attended the regular service with my parents. I only started coming here sporadically since Kade and Asra talked about how chill it was.

"You never even had a girlfriend before." Asra turned her head to the side, meeting the side profile of her brother. "Lying in church is insane."

"You don't know me." He turned his head too, meeting her eyes as he dropped his gaze lower, looking her up and down subtly. "But I do know you and I know that that dress looks like 2006."

"Oh kick rocks." Asra rolled her eyes, looking away from him. "You don't even know what 2006 looks like 'cuz you were a baby."

"I was born in July. I experienced five months from that year."

"Five months that you don't even remember."

"Everyone bow your heads and close your eyes." The youth leader called out, ending the service with a prayer. "Lord we thank you for this word that you're bringing to us today and the community that you have surrounded us with. May our lives be sustained heavily through the love of our Heavenly Father. In Jesus name we pray, Amen."

We stood up from our seats, gathering everything together while we started to head out. Sometimes we had stayed behind to put the chairs up with the others, but today it seemed like my cousins didn't plan on it.

"Bye Kade and Asra." The youth leader called out, staying behind as she put up chairs with the others. "Hope to see you two again this week."

"We'll be there," Asra answered, continuing to head out of the small chapel room. She ducked down, walking out of the open door that Kade held open.

I was behind her, walking out too. My eyes caught hold of Kade's, just noticing him smiling at me before letting go of the door to let it close on me.

I caught the door with one hand, continuing on my walk out. "You're really a jerk."

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