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DRINKING wasn't something I normally liked. I only did it when I wanted to forget a lot of shit.

I already knew that I would have a lot of shit to forget tonight considering that I was sitting at Salem's house.

Her house was of considerable size, a wrap around porch with a rustic look to it. Her family owned hella acres, the vast amount etching far across the land until it ended up at the woods.

The house was a ranch style home, supported on farming land. There wasn't any agriculture being done, so the grass was just empty.

Several trucks were parked in the land, the tailgates put down as people sat on them. Music was playing, solo cups littered the brassy grass, and people were hanging around.

It was getting packed with people. Trucks driving on the land and people walking around and socializing.

I wouldn't have came here tonight if it hadn't been for Kade insisting we go, using the shitty football season as an excuse to party.

He had been talking to random girls this whole night. When I looked up a few minutes ago, he was dancing with a redhead girl. One arm around her waist, the other holding her hand. He lifted her arm up, turning her around in front of the headlights of a truck before leaning down, kissing her smiling face.

Devin was sitting on the tailgate of his own truck. He raised his red solo cup, bringing it to his lips as he looked at Asra who was beside him.

She was dancing on the truck bed, stealing glances from people around her without even trying. It was something she did effortlessly, just having fun by herself.

My gaze switched from them, moving towards the couples who were dancing to the music that was playing across the land. Isaac and Brooklyn caught my attention.

Brooklyn's back was turned to Asra, not noticing her at all. She was leaned against Isaac, swaying with him.

Isaac held one arm around Brooklyn, the other leaving her hand as he brought it to the back of her head. Pressing his lips to her, he kissed the top of her hair.

Yet his eyes were on Asra the whole time.

The whole fucking time he was moving against Brooklyn.

My mouth parted as I took that scene in. Turning my head, I focused my gaze on Easton. He was looking straight, an empty beer bottle against his thigh while he held the neck of it.

He wore a t shirt along with his jeans. A simple outfit he wore a lot but it always looked good on him. The Virgin Mary necklace around his neck was still visible. His black hair was messy and wild, consequently because of him running his hand through it.

Easton looked over, brown eyes meeting mine. The lightest smile skimmed his lips while he waited for me to talk, lost in a reverie while he gazed at me.

"You think it's weird that Isaac is with Brooklyn but he's always looking at Asra?"

Easton was silent while he fixed his gaze to what I was pointing out. "A girl is dancing in a truck bed. A guy is tipsy and sees it. That's a situation where you're bound to fall in love."

"So you're saying they're falling in love?" I kept my eyes on him, looking at the side of his face since he wasn't looking at me.

"No, I just think she catches his attention sometimes." He clarified, explaining his point. "Isaac'll never act on it since she's with Devin. Asra'll never act on it because she fucking hates him."

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