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Y/ns pov.

In a family of witches, most of us usually don't get found out. We wear black and stay in the dark. Usually at normal schools, blending into the alt and goth cliches.

But I was found out.. I had decided to trust my so call 'best friend' with my secret and they had told everyone. Everyone at my school hated me even the people I called friends.

So here I am now. Outside the school for outcasts.. Nevermore.

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I sighed looking out the window of my brothers car "you're gonna be okay, n/n" he patted my shoulder "you say that but father and mother didn't even join us to drop my off because their pissed at me" I muttered

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I sighed looking out the window of my brothers car "you're gonna be okay, n/n" he patted my shoulder "you say that but father and mother didn't even join us to drop my off because their pissed at me" I muttered.

He sighed and we saw a figure walking up to the gates. We stepped out the car and the women walked up to us. "Hello you must be y/n and b/n" a lady with white hair smiled at us. My brother nodded and I just stood there with my arms crossed.

"I'm ms weems, I'm the principal of nevermore" she smiled. "Now you can contact each other but not for the first week of you being here" I looked at her "what?" I muttered "it'll be okay, n/n" my brother wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "no, I can't go without talking to you" I muttered and he sighed "can we make it the first two days? Y/n is a bit shy and there is a good chance, she'll get overwhelmed and she'll need to call me" He looked at weems and she smiled and nodded "if it's what she needs, then yes" I took a deep breath and nodded "okay" I muttered. "Let's go meet your roommate" we followed weems into nevermore.

"Your roommate and neighbor will give you a tour and get take you to get your uniform and scheduled, town is a few miles away and we have a reserved car to take the kids who'd like to go after classes and on the weekends" ms weems explained "now we won't make you wear your uniform to town but it is appreciated" she smiled at me "does it come in black?" I looked around at all the blue uniforms on students who were staring at my brother and I.

"It does, your roommate actually has hers in black, she's allegic to colors though so it was needed but if it makes you comfortable then I can make it happen" she smiled "please" I muttered and she nodded.

We reached a dorm door and weems knocked and sighed when there was no answer "Wednesday, it's weems, your new roommate is here" she slightly knocked again. The door opened and there was a hand on the floor. My brother backed up as it waved at us. I waved back and it allowed us in.

"Y/n this is your roommate, Wednesday" weems smiled "Wednesday, this is y/n" I looked over to the side to see a short girl probably around 5'2? She had black hair that was neatly braided and small nuses tied at the ends, she wore the uniform weems was talking about. "Hello" she didn't smile, she kept a monotone voice "hi" I muttered.

"Wednesday, I'd like for you to be nice to her" weems spoke to Wednesday as I walked over to the big window in the room. "She's a shy one" my brother spoke as I slightly smiled out the window. "Who's a shy one?" A male voice rang through the door. "Your new neighbor" weems spoke and I guess pointed at me. I turned and holy fuck. The guy was a tall, pale-ish guy with short, blonde hair with light pink and blue highlights through it. His uniform was blue and he seemed pretty built.

"Woah" he smiled "you're pretty" his smiled got bigger when I felt my face heat up. My brother cleared his throat "that's my sister" my brother was tall, taller then everyone who was currently in the room and he was pretty built and he had tattoos so he was pretty intimidating to everyone but me. "Oh sorry" the guy frowned and slightly scooted away from him. "B/n, don't be like that" I sighed "n/n, last time you said that, you know what happened" he crossed his arms.

"He only did that because you scared him" I crossed my arms and walked over to him. "I only scared him because he seemed like the type of guy to do what he did so it wasn't me" he scoffed "you are very lucky there are other people here because if there wasn't I would have already cursed you" I clinched my fists and I heard a chuckled from the guy and Wednesday speak "I like her already" she continued her monotone voice.

"Oh" weems held a hand to her chest. "She isn't always like that just if someone pisses her off" my brother smiled "don't cuss in front of my principle" I stomped on his foot and he yelped. I smiled and walked back over to the window. "She seems.. " weems started "fun!" The guy smiled and walked over to me "I'm enid" he smiled and I looked up at him "y/n" I muttered "pretty name" he glanced out the window as I just stared at him "you're gonna have fun here" he looked at me and I quickly looked out the window.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without b/n" I muttered "aww, come on til you can call and text him, you can hangout with Wednesday and i!" He grabbed my hand and I looked at him "we're gonna have fun" he smiled and I nodded before I heard a grunt. I looked over at my brother, he looked like he was gonna hurt someone. I smiled at him and turned back to Enid hiding my smile. "I suppose it'll be okay" he smiled and pulled me over to Wednesday "first we give her a tour, then get her uniform and schedule and then we help her unpack" he smiled.

"You're very happy" I muttered "tell me about it" Wednesday sighed. I slightly giggled covering my mouth with my hand. I heard a gasp and I looked at my brother "you made her laugh!" He smiled "my baby sister is growing up" he quickly hugged me tightly "I will curse you" I struggles to get away "aww give you favorite brother a hug" "you're my only brother" I groaned "see, favorite" he smiled "fuck it" I muttered a spell and it forced his arms open long enough for me to escape before they slammed stuck around himself. "Really" he looked at me and I nodded.

"I'll call you in two days" I waved at him "two days? I thought it was a week" Wednesday spoke "special treatment" I muttered "she's gonna miss her big brother" my brother smiled "I will replace your eyes with rocks" he shut up real fast.

(First chapter done! I think I'm getting better at this! Tell me if there is any misspelled words! I hope you like the chapter!)

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