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Y/ns pov

"And this is the main room!" Enid smiled "this is where mostly everyone hangs out after classes or whenever" he still had ahold of my hand. I honestly wasn't complaining he was kinda sweet and seemed like the type of person to keep me save along with Wednesday. She's kinda like me just more non-emotional.

"There are four main groups of outcasts, fangs, furs, stoners and scales" I nodded as he spoke "fangs are vampires, stoners are gargoyles, scales are sirens" he smiled and looked down at me "then werewolves, aka me!" "That actually makes a lot of sense" I muttered and he titled his head like a confused puppy. "You give golden Retriever vibes" I gave a tiny tiny smile and he smiled.

"Yo, Enid, Wednesday" a sudden voice peeked in and we turned to see a tall guy, slightly taller then enid, with a beanie on. "Dude, the new girl is a witch!" He didn't seem to notice me till he looked at enid's hand then at me slightly peeking out from behind enid "oh" he smiled "is it true?" I just nodded a bit and slightly tightened my grip on enid's hand "uh she's shy, Ajax. Let's calm down a bit" enid smiled at Ajax who just nodded before looking around a bit.

"Xavier is staring at her" Wednesday's voice piped up and enid growled a bit and I looked up at him "who?" I muttered and he pointed at a guy who was obviously staring straight at me. "Uh" I muttered and looked up at enid "uncomfortable" was all I said and enid looked at me, his face softened.

He turned so he was blocking Xavier's view. He smiled at me "thank you" I muttered. He softly squeezed my hand "you're welcome".

After we finished the tour, enid, Wednesday and I went back to Wednesday and my dorm. I walked into the bathroom and slipped on my uniform before I walked out. "Can I add things to it?" I muttered and Wednesday nodded and I turned to enid "I think it's a bit big" he looked at me and nodded "just a bit, we can fix it" he smiled.

We were now outside with my brother saying our byes. "I'm gonna miss you" I muttered hugging my brother. "I know, I'll miss you too but there is a parents weekend, I'll be here" I smiled at that and nodded "bye, bubby" "bye n/n" he drove off and I felt like I was gonna cry.

Enid slightly wrapped his arm around my shoulder "it'll be okay, I promise" he muttered and I nodded. "Let's get back to our dorms, we have classes tomorrow".

We made it back and I unpacked all my stuff. Mine and Wednesday's dorm was dark to say the least. Black on her side, mostly black and maybe a bit of dark red on mine. We went to bed pretty early maybe around 10 pm. Well that's early for me.

Grumpy (Male enid x f!reader) Where stories live. Discover now