hickeys/parents weekend pt1

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Y/ns pov

I woke up early, I couldn't sleep I was so excited to see my brother!!

I woke up early, I couldn't sleep I was so excited to see my brother!!

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I yawned and looked at Wednesday "your parents will be here right?" She nodded and I smiled "can I meet them?" She nodded once again "yay" I smiled before the door got busted in "heyo, n/nnn" Yoko smiled and I looked at her "hey, Yoko" I smiled an...

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I yawned and looked at Wednesday "your parents will be here right?" She nodded and I smiled "can I meet them?" She nodded once again "yay" I smiled before the door got busted in "heyo, n/nnn" Yoko smiled and I looked at her "hey, Yoko" I smiled and gave her a quick hug "where's enid?" "His dorm" I nodded and decided to walk next door and knock "eniddd" he Opened the door and smiled "hey, sweetheart" he took my hand and led me inside before he closed the door.

"You're absolutely gorgeous" he leaned down a bit and placed a small kiss on my lips "thank you, love" I smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist "I can't wait to tell your brother about us" I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled "me too".

I looked up at him and placed a small kiss on his nose " you missed" I giggled and kissed him on the lips, of course he kissed me back and the kiss quickly got heated.

This was my first time kissing someone. I hope I'm actually good at kissing.

I felt his tongue softly graze my bottom lip and I slightly parted my lips for him. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at me. I'm guess my face was red because he smiled and leaned down a bit placing soft kisses on my neck.

"Is this okay?" He whispered and I nodded "I don't want you to be uncomfortable" he kissed just below my ear "I'll never be uncomfortable with you, enid" I whispered and I felt him smile against my skin before he went back to kissing my neck. I moved my hand to his hair and softly messed with it.

There was a knock on the door and enid and I quickly jumped apart and enid opened the door and of course it was Yoko "hey, y/n came to get you is she in there?" Enid nodded and ran his hand through his hair before he let Yoko in.

I guess we didn't realize how long we were just in his room. My hair was slightly messy and my face was red. Yoko crossed her arms "so what were y'all doing?" She grinned "just talking" enid smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders "the marks on y/ns neck says otherwise" she laughed a bit.

"Marks?" I asked and enid looked at me "shit" he muttered and guided me to the bathroom and I gasped "shit" I covered my mouth, there were hickeys on my neck, they were noticeable but not to dark or big "fuckkk my brothers gonna be here today" I ran my finger along the hickeys "I know how to cover them" Yoko popped her head in and I nodded.

Yoko covered my hickeys effortlessly and you couldn't even tell that they were there. I thanked her a lot and enid apologized a lot but I enjoyed it so there wasn't really anything to apologize for.

(Next chapter out hopefully tomorrow. Sorry for the slow updates)

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