parents weekend pt 4

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Y/ns pov

Today's the last day of parents weekend.

I mean I'll see my brother for spring break but that's a bit away.

I'll be fine.

Currently, my brother, Enid, I and the others are just sitting at a table, chatting. I'm gonna be meeting Wednesday's parents today so woohoo! Wednesday's cool so I doubt her family is gonna be horrible but so is Enid and his mom is kindaaa...

Wednesday tapped my shoulder and I looked at her "my family is oddly excited to meet you" she spoke in her normal voice. I nodded and stood "I'll be back, ima go meet ness's family" my brother nodded and I followed Wednesday to a group of people wearing all black. "Father, mother, this is y/n my roommate and surprisingly I'd like to call her my favorite person" Wednesday gestured to me "aw ness, I'm your favorite person" I smiled "everyone else here annoys me" I nodded and looked back at the people "it's nice to meet yall" I smiled and a tall woman smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too, dear" she smiled and a shorter guy nodded "it's not every day my little scorpion tells us she has a favorite person, she hates everyone including us" he chuckled and I smiled "I'm sure it's because I'm quiet and I'm not a very colorful person like my boyfriend" I placed a hand on Wednesday's shoulder and she nodded a bit "she's with the boy you two met when I got here first" she crossed her arms. "Well I'm sure they are cute together" her mother smiled and Wednesday nodded a bit.

"They are irritating when they want to be but y/n knows when to chill out" I smiled and nodded "hey, y/n!" I turned and saw my brother calling me "oh gotta go, my brother needs me but it was very nice to meet you all" I smiled at the family "it was nice to meet you too dear" I walked away and back to my table "sorry, Wednesday's family is cool" I smiled and looked at Enid "did you sleep at all last night, love?" "My mother was going on and on about how she wants me to go to a camp where they will make me wolf out" I frowned and softly rubbed his back "I'm not going, she's pissed but my dad told her it's my choice" he took my hand and fiddled with my fingers a bit.

"Y/n, I do gotta leave early, mom and dad are wanting to go somewhere" my brother sighed "tell them I said that their bitches for not coming to visit" he nodded "I will, give me a hug" we got up and I have him a hug "I'll see you for spring break" he sighed "actually, mom doesn't want you home" I felt tears fill my eyes "what?" I muttered "she said if you are just gonna tell people what you are she doesn't want to be near you" I nodded "tell them I miss them than and you better come visit" "I will" be hugged me again before he left with a small bye to Enid.

I sat back down and Enid took my hand "Wednesday's family is inviting me to their house for spring break, I'm sure Wednesday will allow you to go too, you are her favorite person" I nodded and leaned against him "yea, I'll talk to her about it later" he placed a small kiss to my forehead and we decided to go bother yoko and her family.

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