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Y/ns pov

So apparently Wednesday isn't going to the rav'N. It's okay she doesn't have a date and she isn't the type to go anyways.

Currently I'm in yoko's dorm getting ready. I had already done my makeup

 I had already done my makeup

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And I did yoko's eye liner. Now we are doing our hair. I just simply curled my hair and pulled the front strands back so they were out my face. Yoko left her hair down and straightened it a bit.

I grabbed my dress and walked into yoko's bathroom and put it on

I stepped out the bathroom and looked at Yoko "can you zip the back?" She nodded and helped zip it before she went to change

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I stepped out the bathroom and looked at Yoko "can you zip the back?" She nodded and helped zip it before she went to change.

I slipped on my heels and put on two small red rings and a thin silver bracelet.

There was a knock on the door and Yoko ran out the bathroom her tie just in her hand. She opened the door while I was fixing my dress a bit. "Dina, I need help with my tie" yoko's voice rang out and her and her girlfriend talked while Dina fixed her tie.

"Yoko is Enid here?" I spoke without turning for a second because I haven't heard him talk. When I got no reply I turned and it was like time stopped.

Enid looked handsome in his suit. It was a light pink color and he had a red tie on.

"You look gorgeous" he stepped over to me "thank you, you look handsome" I smiled and he dug in his pocket before he pulled out a small box "I got this for you the first time we went to town and I thought I'd give it to you now" he handed me the box and I opened it.

It was a small silver and black diamond on a thin silver chain. "It's gorgeous" I smiled softly and took it out the box "can you help me put It on?" He nodded and took it from my hand gently before I turned around. He clipped it in the back and it sat perfectly against my chest.

I turned and looked up at him "thank you" I smiled and he smiled back "no need to thank me" right when I was about to say something Yoko popped up "we gotta gooooo" she grabbed dinas hand "okay okay, let's go" I smiled and took Enids hand pulling him with me and Yoko.

We just walked into the dance and it looked cool. I smiled softly "do you wanna dance?" Enid looked at me. I was a bit hesitant but it's Enid so I nodded and he slowly pulled me to the dance floor.

The music was very up beat and happy. Enid was dancing happily and I kinda just stood there slightly moving to the music. That's when a slow song came on and Enid looked at me and held out his hand.

Of course I took his hand and he pulled me to his chest, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled and wrapped mine around his neck. "You look very pretty, I mean you always look pretty" Enid ranted a bit and I giggled a bit "thank you, you look handsome" I muttered and leaned my head against his chest.

"Y/n" Enid began and I looked up at him "I've like you for a while now and Yoko says you like me too so I thought I'd shoot my shot and ask you to be my girlfriend" his face was slightly red "I do like you too and I will be your girlfriend" I smiled.

He spun me around before he pulled me back to his chest "thank god" he smiled and I leaned up and placed a small kiss to his cheek "you missed" he smiled and I tiled my head a bit in question "you missed my lips" he smiled and I felt my face heat up before I leaned up and placed a small kiss on his lips.

Once I pulled back I looked up at him "I'm thirsty" he smiled and took my hand pulling me off the dance floor. We walked over to the punch table and got small glasses of punch. That's when Yoko walked over with Dina "are you two together yet?" She crossed her arms and Enid nodded "yep" "good" she patted his shoulder "take care of her" she walked away and I giggled a bit "she's silly" I smiled.

We sat at a table and just talked "my brother is gonna be so mad" I smiled "yea? I'll convince him I'm a good guy" he smiled "let's tell him next weekend" "next weekend?" I tilted my head "parents weekend, parents get to come visit for a whole weekend" he smiled and I did too "Yesss" I muttered happily.

We ended up leaving because random blood? Started spraying from the ceiling. I showered and decided to text my brother.


Y/n: cant wait to see ya next weekend!

B/n: I know, I can't wait to see you too!

With that I went to bed happily.

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