I think...

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Y/ns pov

It's been two years since Enid and I got together. I really do love him and I think he might be the one. No scratch that, he is the one.

I had just got an engagement ring for enid. I don't know when he'll ask me so I'm gonna ask him. I planned out a good home cooked meal and set up a few candles and dimmed the lights of our shared home.

I decided to just wear something simple since we are just at home

I waited for a bit before I heard the front door open "I'm home, sweetheart!" His voice rang through the house and I smiled "I'm in the kitchen"

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I waited for a bit before I heard the front door open "I'm home, sweetheart!" His voice rang through the house and I smiled "I'm in the kitchen"

He stepped into the kitchen, I smiled at him. He looked around the table and smiled softly "what's this?" He placed a kiss on my forehead "just a small surprise" I smiled "you look gorgeous" we sat down and ate some of our food before I stopped.

He gave me a weird look "is everything alright, love?" I nodded and stood walking over to his seat before I got on one knee and pulled the ring box from my pocket "I didn't know when you were gonna ask me and I don't think I can wait for you to anymore so I thought I'd do it" I smiled and watched as his jaw dropped "Enid, you make me the happiest girl in the world and itd be an honor if you would marry me" I smiled and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little box before he laughed a bit and opened it revealing a diamond ring. He was gonna ask me tonight too "of course, I will" he smiled and I stood.

I slipped his ring on his finger and he slipped mine onto my finger. I smiled and gave him a kiss before we continued eating our dinner.

He is the one, he will always be the one.

This is just the beginning of our life together and it's gonna be perfect.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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