parents weekend pt2

21 1 0

Y/ns pov

Currently we were sitting at a table waiting for our families.

I looked around until my eyes landed on my brother! I jumped up and ran, hugging him tightly "ow" he chuckled and hugged me back "sorry sorry but I missed you so much" I let go of him and took his hand "come on, I'll take you to meet my friends" I pulled him back to the table with me.

I sat down next to Enid and b/n sat next to me "guys, this is my brother! B/n you know enid" I smiled and my brother nodded "hello, Enid" he crossed his arms and Enid kinda just gave an small smile and grabbed my hand.

I pointed at Yoko "that's Yoko and her girlfriend" I gestured to Divina. "My best friend, Wednesday" I smiled at Wednesday and she just gave a small nod and my brother gave a nod back "I figured you two would be best friends" he smiled a bit. "Ajax" I gestured to Ajax and he smiled "you seem cool" my brother shrugged "he is, a bit dumb" I smiled "hey!" Ajax crossed his arms and we laughed a bit.

I looked at Enid and smiled "actually, b/n can Enid and I talk to you" my brother nodded and we walked away.

"Okay, what's up?" He looked at us "okay, you arnt allowed to freak or be rude" I crossed my arms and he nodded. I took a deep breath and looked up at Enid "Enid and I are together" Enid smiled at me and took my hand "like a couple?" We looked back at my brother and I nodded "yes, like a couple"

My brother nodded and sighed "okay, you hurt her, well you won't be alive to see 19" Enid squeezed my hand and nodded "I won't hurt her, I promise" my brother nodded "good" I sighed "stop threatening my boyfriend" I glared at my brother and he crossed his arms "whatever" he muttered.


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