parents weekend pt 3

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Y/ns pov

So yesterday went well, my brother seemed supportive of mine and enids relationship sooo

Currently I'm getting ready to go to town.

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I heard my door open than close and I was slightly confused but thought it was Wednesday

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I heard my door open than close and I was slightly confused but thought it was Wednesday. "Hey, ness. I'm going to town on a bit with my brother, when I get back you should let me meet your fam" I got nothing back so I just shrugged and fixed my hair until I got grabbed from behind.

I turned and smacked who ever had grabbed me and oh my fucking god it was Enid! "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I gently grabbed his face "baby, it's okay" he smiled a bit "I shouldnt of grabbed you without you knowing it's me" he chuckled a bit.

"I'm still sorry" I kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly "it's okay, sweetheart" he kissed the top of my head.

Small time skip-

Enid finally got away from his family and is now with my brother and I in town.

"Enid, love, no offence but I don't like your mom" I gently tapped his shoulder "I know, she isn't exactly to supportive of me" he sighed "but my dad is and he says she'll get better" I gave him a small smile and leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek "hopefully she will but I'll always be here for you" he smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

We went to a few stores and than finally the coffee shop.

My brother and Enid nearly beat someone for loudly talking to someone about me.

I'm glad my brother and my boyfriend are getting along.

Grumpy (Male enid x f!reader) Where stories live. Discover now