Chapter 02

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The guy quickly turns to face me after I scream and walks towards where I stand. Then he stopped as I reached my bag with pepper spray. I will not go down without a fight mister.

As if someone commanded him, he quickly ran off into the night of the road.

I horridly ran to the man who collapsed on the pavement with blood staining the road. I will save you, I thought loudly in my head. My heart was pumping so loud that I could hear it myself.

"No one is going to die in front of me," I muttered, trying to reassure myself against the mounting fear. But my heart hammered in my chest, and my mind raced with the desperate need to call for help.

My hands shook as I dialed the emergency number, my eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings. "I don't know where I am," I muttered under my breath, frustration echoed my words. Sweat trickled on my brow as I waited for the call to connect, every second feeling like an eternity in the suffocating grip of terror.

Finally, a voice answered on the other end, and I blurted out my desperation for help. "Shit!" I cursed softly, the reality of the situation crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. With a feeling of dread in my stomach, I realized that I was completely lost and utterly alone in the face of whatever danger lurked in the hours of darkness.

The night moved in a blur. I went into the ambulance and talked to the emergency staff. I didn't even know whether it was a paramedic or a doctor.

"I need your help," I blurted out, my voice shaky with urgency. "That man... he's been stabbed." The words spilled from my lips in a frantic rush, my heart pounding in my chest as I remembered the gut-wrenching events of the night.

The paramedic staff nodded, their expressions hidden behind their masks. They moved with efficient unison, their hands working swiftly as they assessed the severity of the situation. But their silence only added to the mounting tension, leaving me feeling more helpless than ever.

As the ambulance stared into motion, the wail of the sirens cut through the night. That sound gave shivers in my soul.

The police arrived at the emergency room, their presence adding to the growing sense of unease that filled the air. I took a deep breath, and brace myself as I prepared to recount the unfolding events.

As I spoke with the officers, I narrated how I had stumbled upon the incident and why I was there, the dimly lit alleyway, two men fighting, and blood across the pavement. I described the event that happened that night as much as possible.

The police listened intently, their expressions unreadable as they jotted down notes on their pads. I couldn't shake the feeling that their eyes drilled into me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable under their scrutiny.

As I finished my statement, a heavy silence settled over the waiting room, broken only by the soft scratching of the officers' pens on paper.

"This is far too familiar," I uttered to myself. The sirens blaring outside, people distressed on their faces, and patrol cars. I can't. I can't handle this eerie reminder of my past.

"Excuse me." I was startled as the nurse said those words. "The patient is done." the nurse informed me. "He asked if it's fine to talk to you," she added.

I nodded carelessly and followed the nurse lightly towards the emergency room. I looked around but everything seemed to be so blurred. I couldn't feel my feet walking. My body was so cold. The sirens were so loud. The honking was driving me crazy.

I found myself in a surreal nightmare, surrounded by the harsh fluorescent lights of the emergency room. The air was thick with tension, and the sound of hurried footsteps and urgent voices filled the space.

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