Chapter 12

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Carl's POV

For the past weeks, I've been greeted by a steaming cup of barley tea or bottled at my desk each morning. James mentioned that my Iris had left it for me. I couldn't help but wonder what conversations had transpired between her and Aunt Mary two weeks ago when she gave me those sad puppy eyes when she said they had a talk.

Living together for quite some time now, our relationship had settled into a comfortable routine. She was so accustomed to my presence that she didn't hesitate to walk around our room in just her underwear. It was clear she didn't see me as a man, just a friend, a gay friend. This is troublesome and difficult for a guy like me.

This morning, as I slipped into my business suit, I caught her gaze lingering on me. It's like she's studying every crease and fold, her eyes tracing the lines of my outfit. At first, I couldn't help but wonder: do I look good, or is there something stuck to my suit?

"Hey there," I say with a smirk, catching her in the act one morning. "Got a thing for well-dressed professionals, huh?"

She blushes, caught off guard. "Um, maybe," she stammers, looking away quickly.

"Well, you used to look casual before so I didn't expect you to be well dressed all the time." she said frankly. "It's new for me."

I chuckled inside, enjoying the attention. "Well, I'll take it as a compliment," I reply, giving her a playful smile before heading out the door.

I couldn't believe it when I asked her to share a room with me when we agreed to get married, all for the sake of Aunt Mary's peace of mind. To my surprise, she didn't hesitate for a second. I was over the moon when she went along with my plans. 

As we settled into our shared space, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. It was comforting to know that she was willing to go along with my crazy ideas, even if it meant sacrificing a bit of her own comfort.

As we prepared dinner together for Aunt Mary's birthday, I suggested that we cook together for a change. She offered to assist, admitting that she was skilled at whipping codes but less so when it came to handling ingredients.

In the kitchen, our proximity was almost suffocating. Brushing against her skin as we reached for spices and seasonings sent shivers down my spine. I clenched my jaw tightly as I chopped vegetables, my mind wandering to fantasies of what we could do together on this very countertop.

My thoughts linger how her tongue would feel like touching mine? What noises she would make when I enter her? How her folds down there would taste like between my lips? 

I could feel my manhood hardened as I gripped the knife and vegetables so hard. I have to calm myself and stop those fucking images in my head.

"Down boy.." I told myself with a shrug. "It's not the perfect time yet."

"Do you need something else?" she asked me. I was startled by her voice while chopping. Yeah, wash that up as I pointed at the meat.

As we retired for the night, she likes to cuddle around me like a big pillow. It's never strange for me to lay in bed with strangers. But, nowadays Iris is beside me.

I can do whatever I want with anyone in my bed but I have to hold back for you. You are here now with me. I assure you Iris, you can't escape me when you said yes to my proposal.

I'll just wait for you to come around looking at her sleeping so soundly. I have to go to the bathroom and let off some steam. Damn.

I needed to focus on what matters most right now. Bellator and Salus are important now more than ever. It seemed there were unseen forces working behind my back. 

I gripped hard on the bottle of whisky I grabbed from the shelves. Hating the thought I don't know who they are and what they will do next.

I wished I could just pull the trigger and solve everything like I did before. I have to be careful with my moves or people will suffer including my Iris.

As I brushed my hair up looking at Iris sleeping so peacefully, my phone rang. I opened and gulped a bit of whisky before I answered the phone. "What's up Dave?"

"Melinda, just learned about your wedding." the voice said nonchalantly.

"Roger, Thanks." I hang up.

Melinda usually gets news fast like lightning but what took her so long for her not knowing her son's wedding. 

I laugh quietly knowing I beat her to the punch and drank more from the bottle. If it's Melinda Azalea, she would do something crazy about this.

Bring it on, Mom. 

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