Chapter 23

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Crane Driver's Point of View: Stevedore

The stevedore's urgent call left the reporter feeling unsettled. Despite his initial skepticism, the sense of emergency in the stevedore's voice compelled him to take action. With a mixture of curiosity and caution, the reporter set out towards the new address provided by the stevedore.

As he drove through the countryside roads, the reporter's mind raced with questions.

He was informed to go to an address because he heard there was an important meeting and a big exchange of smuggled goods happening now. If not that private port, where else could there be?

Why was the stevedore so insistent that he goes there? Despite his reservations, the reporter couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye.

Thirty minutes after the initial call, the stevedore dialed the reporter's number once again, his tone regretful as he apologized for the mix-up.

He admitted to providing the wrong address earlier but swiftly offered a new one.

Frustration is clear in the reporter's voice as he expresses his exhaustion and the inconvenience of the situation. The stevedore, acknowledging his mistake, attempted to entice the reporter with the promise of exclusive information known only to those bosses.

Despite the late hour and the darkness of the road ahead, the stevedore insisted that the reporter act swiftly. He stressed the importance of the reporter's arrival without delay if he desired to uncover something truly significant and newsworthy.

The Cousin's Point of View:

In a quaint countryside town, a 35-year-old woman dialed the quiet police station with urgency evident in her voice. She relayed concerning information about a shipment of counterfeit goods slated for wholesale distribution, purportedly hidden and sold within a container van.

The police officers were surprised that this was an icebreaker to their boring night, initially skeptical due to the rural nature of the area, no one would buy such things in this small town community but still, they listened with cautious ears.

The woman's insistence caught their attention. "Women in my neighborhood are talking about it," she emphasized, her frustration evident. "We love beautiful things, even if they're fake. But those women," she continued bitterly, "they're just pretentious. They pretend to be rich and important. They're nothing but bitches."

Despite their reservations, they said she was merely jealous. The police officers couldn't ignore the woman's call. They decided to check anyway, they could do something else rather than staring at the ceiling the whole evening.

"I'm giving you a tip. Better get that promotion and catch that container van," she urged with a hint of warning, "or somebody else will."

After her police call, she phoned her cousin, a Port manager in a nearby town. She informed him that it was all done and better keep his promise of giving him three hundred bucks.

Satisfaction tinged her voice as she hung up, content with the prospect of easy money.

Young Driver's Point of View:

Under the veil of darkness, a young man took the wheel of the van, his nerves tingling with apprehension. Tasked by the Port Captain, he followed instructions to conceal his identity behind a cap and face mask.

With a sense of unease gnawing at him, he navigated the van to a remote area with a specific address, where he was instructed to abandon it retreat into the shadows, and wait until the police arrived. Ignorant of the van's contents, he complied with the demands, a sense of foreboding lingering in his mind.

Minutes before he drove away from the port he caught a glimpse of someone dragging a heavy, shrouded barrel toward a small boat, which promptly vanished into the open sea.

"What was inside that barrel that was hefty to carry?" he asked himself but a shiver slithered down his spine, sending a ripple of unease coursing through his body.

He thought it was definitely better to keep his head down, he focused on his tasks, seeking solace in a generous paycheck and no questions asked.

He dared not risk crossing paths with the port's owner, notorious for his strict demeanor and ruthless treatment of disloyal underlings.

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