Chapter 21

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He woke me up and breakfast was already ready in the room. I guess it was his way of apologizing to me. I look at that man in a wardrobe, such an amazing specimen pouring warm water and giving it to me to drink as he sits beside me.

The water hits the spot. He stood up immediately prepared for his day. It seemed he woke up early cooked breakfast, and now clothes for me but why? He has people to order around secretly working around this house.

As we arrived at the lobby, Carl's warm gaze met mine, and without hesitation, he leaned in and pressed a tender kiss against my forehead. The secretary standing nearby couldn't help but stare, her expression a mixture of surprise.

In that brief moment, I felt a surge of affection for Carl, grateful for his unabashed display of affection. As the secretary sheepishly looked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of victory.

The day went by uneventfully with routine tasks and a sense of satisfaction as the hours passed. As we head out from the office to call it a day. Carl received a phone call from James. Carl seemed to be pissed off with his tone of voice.

His voice, usually calm and composed, was laced with tension and urgency. Sensing trouble, he called Dave to stay put, hinting at an approaching crisis.

Carl told me to go home first because he had an urgent matter that needed his attention. I just nodded in agreement because I could see in his face how serious he was.

His abrupt dismissal left me with a gnawing sense of curiosity and concern. As much as he insisted I head home, my instincts urged me to stay close, to unravel the mystery brewing in the shadows.

Actually, I don't want to go home. I told myself wherever you go I go. Heck! I want to know what's going on. Carl, you can't just leave me out.

I waited and I watched as he and Dave departed, slipping into the anonymity of the city's bustling streets.

I hailed a taxi, and I struck a deal with the taxi driver, promising a hefty sum in exchange for his cooperation. Without hesitation, he accepted, his eyes glinting with the promise of big bucks.

I told the driver never to tail their car too near and to maintain a safe distance.

We drove for two hours and went to the countryside but even though it was dark I could smell the sea. An imposing gate loomed ahead and the car entered through. I instructed the driver to just stop here a bit far away from that facility.

We waited for a few minutes in silence. The sudden knock on the taxi door sent a jolt of fear to me and the driver. and I instinctively recoiled, my heart pounding in my chest. My breath caught in my throat as I glimpsed the familiar silhouette waiting outside. It was Carl, my husband, and I knew I had been caught red-handed.

With trembling hands, I slowly opened the door, meeting Carl's steely gaze with a sheepish smile. "Hi, darling," I murmured, unable to mask the guilt in my voice.

Carl's expression remained impassive as he regarded me, his eyes betraying a flicker of disappointment. "I like the sound of that, darling," he replied tersely, his tone sending shivers down my spine. "You're such a handful, you know that?"

As he settled into the front seat beside the driver, his presence loomed over me like a silent threat. Without a word, he instructed the driver to move closer to the forbidding gate that loomed ahead, his demeanor leaving no room for argument. Dread settled over me like a suffocating shroud as we drew nearer to the source of our apprehension, uncertain of what awaited us beyond the imposing barrier.

As the taxi came to a halt, Carl handed the driver three grand, the bills disappearing into the man's eager grasp. With a nod of gratitude, the driver bid us farewell, leaving us standing alone at the entrance to a forbidding compound.

Carl's grip on my hand tightened, anchoring me to his side as we ventured forward, his steps purposeful and resolute. Together, we passed through the towering gates, their imposing presence casting long shadows over the desolate landscape beyond.

As we pressed onward, the sight that greeted us sent a chill down my spine. Before us lay a sprawling port, its vast expanse stretching out towards the distant horizon. The sound of crashing waves echoed in the air, a haunting reminder of the sea that lay just beyond the thick walls that encased the compound.

Despite the grandeur of the port, The eerie sound of machines in the distance that hung in the air was broken only by the distant cries of seabirds and the soft lapping of waves against the shore, lending an otherworldly atmosphere to the scene before us.

"I know when I am being followed or not, Iris." he said with a stern voice.

I just kept quiet. I know I am in trouble.

We walked towards one of the warehouses and stepped inside an office with James, Dave, and two other men.

"Mrs. Diandus?" Dave was startled at seeing me. Then he gave a gradual expression of realization on his face and said you're the one who's tailing us back at the office.

" How did you know it was your wife?" He looked at Carl like a happy puppy. How did you know I'm the wife I asked myself with a weird look at Carl. I sure didn't tell you. Probably James spilled the beans about me.

Carl just dismissed his question and pointed out the importance of solving the issue at hand.

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