Chapter 16

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As I strolled towards the lobby, my mind was consumed by one thought and one thought only – the kiss. Was it real? Was it just a dream? And most importantly, did I actually desire him? Of course he is gorgeous, we can't deny that.

I mean, I always thought he was gay, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe he's bi? Or perhaps it was just me being drunk trying to play tricks on myself. Whatever the case, I couldn't shake the mental monologue that had been running through my head all morning.

"My goodness, what is going on with me," I snap at myself for being so foolish. But, it felt so real the warmth and fragrance. Goodness, I have to stop playing the image of that kiss in my head or I won't be able to do anything today.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, he sneaked up next to me and told me about James being promoted to executive assistant to the CEO and was busy training new recruits so he too will be busy without his trusted wing man.

"Is there something else you need to share with me, like what happened last night?" I couldn't help but wonder silently as we made our way through the bustling lobby. You had a tight lip this morning. Your answers were just your usual dismissal expression, "Nothing happened."

And then, disaster struck – I tripped over my own feet and nearly face-planted right in the middle of the lobby. But instead of gracefully recovering, I found myself in some sort of weird, twisted position that made me look like a human pretzel. Of course, everyone in the lobby was staring, and I could feel my face turning fifty shades of red.

But rather than bathe in embarrassment, I decided to own it. With confidence, I transformed my awkward stumble into a series of ridiculous dance moves, much to the amusement and giggles of the onlookers. And when we hurriedly made it into the elevator just a few quick steps, just the two of us inside, and I pressed the close button right away. I couldn't help but blurted out "OH My GOD! I'm so embarrassed." I shouted looking at him. He just laughed so hard while bending forward and leaning back his body.

"I can't walk down the lobby anymore." I told him while I put a palm on my face. He was laughing so hard and trying to catch his breath and laugh again.

I tried telling him to stop laughing because he needed to breathe. It was so embarrassing. He attempted to stop thrice by shaking his head before he could control his composer.

"Bye" I just said that to him when it was my floor. I looked back at him still smiling and face red.

I just stumped straight to my office. "Thanks for the emotional support, gosh."

As I sat on my chair worried about what happened just a few minutes ago, flushing once again when I remembered that impromptu dance. I put my palms on my face and still couldn't believe it happened to me in front of many people. Will they remember what I look like? and I'm hoping no colleagues of mine saw that debacle. I popped my head and looked around the office if some would actually look at my way. 

I couldn't just wallow in embarrassment, I'm a grown woman not a teen. I have to get over this but gosh I'm still mortified.

Then, I received a text message. Holly sent me a message and it's an amazing distraction.

I don't know what happened last night but did you say something to my husband? -Holly

No, I was indisposed the same as you last night. It was Carl who called him. -Iris

He is different today. -Holly

How? -Iris

He is not easily irritated today, hopefully it will continue. -Holly

That's good to hear. -Iris

Thanks bestie and give my thanks to Carl. -Holly

xoxo - Iris

Carl is a very mysterious creator to me. An enigmatic soul who is always guarded and in control of his emotions. Sometimes cold but kind but today he was really amused and laughed like there is no tomorrow.

Probably Carl did say something to him. I am intrigued by what exact words he says to him.

Maybe one day, when the stars align, Carl will finally open up about his past and share his innermost thoughts with me. And when that day comes, you can bet I'll be ready with a box of tissues and an encouraging smile, ready to lend an ear and maybe a shoulder to cry on.

But until then, I'll patiently wait for Carl. After all, life's too short to take things with sadness, loneliness, and anger. Life is such a beautiful journey.

But, when will he open up to me? The right question is when will he be ready to open up. 

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